When Ships Sail pt.2

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Me:Congrats! Still no asks or dares!

Geno:Oh god no please dont lock me in a closet with Reaper again...

Reaper:Sempai notice meee~

Geno:F*ck you

Reaper:I will when i get the chance~

Dust:Oh sh*t

Fell:Honestly,I agree,that wasn't really good

Fresh:Yo sin be unrad!

Dream:I can agree

NM:Cross and I didn't even do anything

Cross:I wish i could of~

G\Outer:I ship it

Me:No,Instead,We are playing Spin the Bottle!

NM:F*ck me....

Reaper:Cross will gladly do so

Dream:Ok that's getting old now..please stop

Outer:No ship ever gets old!

Sans:Hey,We got requests to let Chess in

Ink:Wow,Karma on the shipping part

Outer\Me\Cross:We ship GChess!

G:Oh great...

Blue:Wow these ships are really weird

Fell:Tell me about it....

Error:So when do we start?

Me:Not yet,we need my assistant and Chess to get here

G:Dang it

*door rings*
?:Char I made it!

??:Is there competition in this?

*opens it*
Me:Star! Nice of you to come!
Chess!Yeah there's really good dares

Star:Glad i could!
(Star has underlined text)

Me:This is my assistant,star. Aaaaaaand shes also in the ship squad


NM:When will this end...

Me:Can't yet. We gotta play Spin the Bottle! In fact,Let's start!

Ink:I'll go first!*spins bottle and it lands on Error*Oh sh*t

*Error and Ink gets closer,they kiss but seperate far apart,blushing,trying to keep a straight face*

Outer\G:*taking pictures like the sinners they are*

Everyone else:*fangirling and some faint*

Me:Who's next

Cross:I'll go*spins and it lands on dream*

Me:Oh wow,Cream And CrossMare shipping in 2 hours

Cream:*Blushing madly*
*they kiss and seperate*
*cross cant seem to keep a straight face*

Cross:Heh heh...heh...

Squad:*takes pictures,i nosebleed*

Everyone else:0_0

Fell:God dang,Cross!
At least I can not act lusty

Lust:Did someone call me?~


Ink:Um....Chara you ok?
*no respose*
Ok if you are not ok,say some thing
*no respose*
Ok if you are perfectly fine,and your not dead,dont say anything
*no respose*
Glad we can have that talk

Sans:So since Chara is "sleeping",we will get this back on

Geno:Ill spin....i wish i didnt say that...
*spins bottle and it lands ooooooonnnn drumroll please


Geno:God damn it

Reaper:Im waiting~

Dream:You are officially Lust 2...

Lust:...So im lust one?


Lust:Oh ok

*geno slightly kisses reaper on the cheek*



Sans:K next is Fell!

Sans:Why me...*spins lands on blue*

*Blue pecks Sans on the cheek*

Squad(-me):*of course,takes pics because they sin*

Everyone else:*of course...fangirling*

G:Im adding that to ships!

Me:*wakes up*
Tf happened

All ships and squad:You fan girled too hard


Star:Eh dont worry about it

Me:why am i sitting in blood

Star:I said,dont worry about it!

Me:So....end of Chapter?


Me:Well before i end this everyone who didnt go spin or kiss will play next chapter which is Sci,NM,Lust,G,Chess,Fresh,Fell,
And dust

All those:OH HELL NAH!

Fell:In fact,you have to do it too!

Me:Oh yeah,Sadly i have to participate
So Star and I will be in it too

Star:Wait what
I didnt sigh up for dis..

Everyone(-Shipped,Me,Star):Baku Naku BOI!

Me:Should i make a better outro?

Also your in that form now?

Me:Sometimes your gonna have to deal with it


Me: Oh well
Bye everyone!

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