your mine, my love~

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+Fresh's POV+

"P-pj, ah.." I was so caught up in his movements, that I had forgotten where I was. He's rubbing my spine, slowly, in felt weird but. . .good at the same time. I was a speechless, moaning mess. "P-pj..w-we shouldn't.." "Shhh" PJ kissed me.

The kiss lasted for atleast an hour, until he got tired and pulled back, a strong of saliva, the only thing left of the kiss. "Tired?" He says in a low, exhausted tone. "Yes, very." I respond quietly, I flip us over and lay my head on his chest, "n-night PJ.." " love."

3 hours after we fell asleep, I woke up to pj's soft mumbles. "Your...mine.." He proclaims as he stays in his deep slumber. I shake him carefully, as he wakes up. "Hey...I know I'm yours..but your talking in your sleep" I say, his face flushing pink instantaneously. "S-sorry fresh...I was uhm..dreaming"
I had to get him flustered. "Bout what?~" I ask, quietly. "J-just...stuff. Mostly you.." He says, completely pink.

"Okay...gnight PJ.."
"Goodnight, baby"
I blushed at this new nickname.
He was


Thats all for nao.
I hope you liked this chapter.
I dont do much sin, but this was a smol one.
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