Part 12; Maddie's Back

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Once again, the students and staff of Ocean View Academy were called to the auditorium for an assembly. This probably wasn't going to make people happy however.

"Hello, Ocean View Academy, please take your seats," Dr. Miller said. Everyone sat down on her demand. Except one person. "So, as you all know, Madison Ziegler of Ocean View Academy went missing four months ago. Her friend, Kalani Hilliker, decided that she needed to help out as much as possible to find out what happened to Maddie. Because of her hard work, Maddie is here with us, today. Please come up to the stage, Madison!"

Maddie strutted right onstage, acknowledging the dirty looks coming directly from Paige, Kendall, and Nia. Chloe was spending the rest of the night somewhere else, sadly.

"Wait... What?" Nia loudly whispered. "Kalani did this?!"

"She was still a bitch at heart, I guess," Paige whispered back, almost brought to tears. Kendall already was.

"We have to do something, guys," Kendall said. "Chloe's in a mental hospital, for no reason! We can't leave her there and do nothing. We have to tell the police."

Some people gave a short, quiet clap for Maddie when she stepped onstage, however most didn't.

"I just want to give a huge thanks to my best friend in the whole wide world, Kalani, for saving my life," Maddie said, wiping away very fake tears. "Chloe... I don't even want to talk about what she'd done to me. But I will, so this way I can move on. In the middle of the night, Chloe pulled me out of my bed, and put a bag over my head. She took me through the back entrance, and dragged me all the way to the forest. Then, she left me there, kicked me, punched me, tossed me, and finally buried me alive. I was able to survive by digging tiny holes through the dirt, giving me enough air. Soon enough, Kalani had gone out and found me! She saw the tiny air holes, asked me if I was there, and I screamed as loud as I could. She pulled me out, and brought me back to where I am now. I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for my best friend, Kalani!"

Later that night, just two hours before everyone had to be in their bedrooms, Paige, Nia, and Kendall saw Kalani studying in the library.

"We have to talk to her. We have to," Kendall cried.

"I don't know if that's a smart idea, Kendall," Nia disagreed.

"Nia, this is NOT the time for that," Paige silenced her. "Let's go find out why she did this to us."

Paige leaded the other two on to Kalani. Nia reluctantly followed behind. She predicted that this would not be pretty, and boy she was right.

"Hello, Kalani," Paige said coldly.

"Hi, Paige..."

"Could you come to my room? I need help with the homework, and you get good grades, so maybe you can help me?" Paige raised her eyebrows, and Kalani took the hint.

"Um, sure, Paige..."

Kalani followed the other three, trying to swallow the guilt. There should be four of them, Kalani thought. Even I know that.

They all gathered into Paige and Nia's room, Kalani couldn't even bring herself to sit down, Nia went to sit on her bed and tried to hold back tears, Kendall's face was red from sobbing, and Paige sat on her bed staring at Kalani.

"I'm going to say one thing to you, Kalani, because to be honest, I never really want to know you, speak to you, or in fact, make any type of interaction with you. And you know why that is? BECAUSE I CAN'T DO ANY OF THAT WITH CHLOE EXCEPT DURING VISITING HOURS AT THE LOONEY BIN!" Paige explained. "So, anyways. My question is, why? I know that you know who really tried to get rid of Maddie, whether it was someone else or you. So, you have the time now to confess."

"I only know what I know," Kalani said. "That is, that Chloe tried to bury her alive in the Forest, and I found Maddie when she screamed out through air holes."

"Okay, Kalani, I know you aren't that incredibly stupid," Nia intervened. "We all know Chloe isn't capable of that. She's all talk, to be honest." Paige nodded.

"I thought you wouldn't save Maddie..." Kendall said, as her voice cracked. "Chloe just doesn't deserve that, and you know it. Maddie has done so many terrible things to you and me... why did you cover for her? You know what I think? I think you were too much of a little bitch to ever put Maddie in the grave where she belongs, so Maddie purposely left Ocean View Academy that night so she could frame Chloe for attempted murder, with your help."

"Okay, okay, you know what?" Kalani shook her head. "I will tell you guys the truth, because you guys at least deserve that after what's happened. I was incredibly upset at Maddie for the blackmail, lies, secrets, drama, everything she caused, to me, to you, to you Paige, and to you, Nia, I wanted to put her away for good. My original plan was to just drop her in the Forest and threaten her, but because of how angry I was at the time, I buried her alive."


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