Dust awoken to nothing. Just last night- As soon as he thought of him, he jumped out of bed. Messily putting back on his clothes her teleported around the underground. Anger, confusion, sadness; it all buzzed within his thoughts. He searched for hours on end. By the end of his search he fell to his knees, tired. He wasn't just tired physically but also mentally. GP was also missing, so he looked in one last place Grillby's.
When he opened the doors a strong gust sent monster dust right into Dust's skull. He used his arm to block most of it. But even his arms couldn't hide the scenery before him. Clothes filled with dust were scattered everywhere. But the one's that stood out the most were those of Grillby and Papyrus. The arms sleeves were under Papyrus' scarf. As if in his last waking moments Grillby held the cherished item close. Dust stood there, still. Not knowing how to react.
Dust walked through the snowy part of the underground, dust was everywhere. With a sigh he reached into his pocket and grabbed nothing. He flinched when he felt his own fingers bones hitting his 'hand'. Frantically he patted himself down, but a voice distracted him. "Looking for this?" A voice chuckled. Dust turned around to be face to face with a knife. Behind that knife a smile, a smile of a skeleton that went yandere.
In an instant the knife slashed, and bones smashed. Both of them surprised, as they looked at each other. Smiles spread across their faces as they clanked their teeth together. As their dust flew away with the wind both realized they were finally each other's forever.
Murdered Love [A Dusttale x Undertale Sanscest Story]
FanfictionDust [Dusttale Sans] kills so he can become stronger and defeat Chara. When everyone in his AU is dead. He finally faces Chara/Frisk. But instead of winning, he dies and loses. Now, what can he do except go into another AU and start the cycle all ov...