ᴘᴀʀᴛ 7

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He nervously laughs before saying, "I- It's nothing..." He scratches the back of his neck and I say, crossing my arms, "I want to know. Right now." "I- It's just a necklace..." He says with a grin. "C'mon. Let's sleep." He says, walking to his bed.

I stand there and say, "Jimin." He stands by his bed, looking at me. "Give it to me." I say, holding out my hand. "B- But-" He then sighs, picking it up and looking at it. He glances up to me and closes his eyes tightly before taking it off, handing it to me. It becomes slightly grayer and grayer by the second.

"Why is it doing this?" I ask. "I don't know." He says, not opening his eyes. "Are you okay, Jimin?" He gulps before nodding. It just stays grey, getting a little bit darker. "Necklace... Please... I- I need it..." He says. I kinda feel bad for taking it, so I hand it back to him. It immediately turns back to white. He reopens his eyes, "Thanks." He puts it back around his neck.

I ask, "What is the necklace for?" "It helps me concentrate..." He says. I nod, "Okay... On what?" "Uh... The world..." He says. "What about the world?" "Just... everything." He's lying to me. "Why does Hobi act like that?" I ask. "His... girlfriend did it to him." He says.

"So... Is that what happened to Jin's necklace?" He nods. "Is that what's gonna happen to you?" He shrugs, "Let's just sleep." "Okay." I just lay down on the bed and he says, "Wait here. I will be right back... Just have to use the bathroom." I nod and smile. He walks out, closing the door. I sigh and just wait.

ᴊɪᴍɪɴ ᴘᴏv: I walk into the bathroom and simply take off my shirt, staring down at my necklace. The words are changing... "No... Oh my god... I just had to lie..." The words... Are changing to... "Prevaricate?" I say aloud. The necklace also changed to black. I sigh, looking in the mirror... 'It was just a white lie... A small lie... Please forgive me... The lightning bolt is still green... I guess that never changes. I wonder what my wings look like...'

I look at my black changing to white necklace and get kinda scared to look in the mirror. When I do look up, it's simply black, so that doesn't scare me. 'I can fix this... right? I'll go apologize and tell her the truth right now. It's too late. I have to keep lying. Once a lie is born, you must never let it die or else it leads to destruction. Anyways... I should get back to her... She's probably worried to death about me by now.'

I pick up my shirt off of the counter and put on my shirt, as soon as the wings are gone, walking out and going back to my room. 'I didn't lock the door... I hope nobody is messing with her or else they'll face me.' I open the door and she says, "Jiminnie... What took so long?" "I was talking to Jungkook..." 'Yet, another lie.'

"Okay." She says. I turn and lock the door. "I- I'm cold, Jiminnie..." She says. "I'm not much help, I'm cold too." I lay down and cover up next to her, covering her up too. "Let me try to warm you." She says, moving closer. I wrap my arms around her and smile. 'I don't know why, but I feel... Tensed up.'

She asks, "Jimin? Are you okay?" I smirk, looking down at my necklace, "I'm perfect." 'Not... I'm actually perfectly not well at all. I don't want to sleep. She has to leave soon. Unless she actually loves me. Then maybe she'll stay with me, or we can at least Snapchat?' I pull her closer to me, very possibly squeezing her too hard, but I don't care. I can't let her go. I soon find myself asleep.

* ʟɪττʟε τɪмε ʟᴀτεʀ; 8:00 ᴀᴍ*
ʏ/ɴ ᴘᴏv: I wake up and look at Jimin's sleeping face and puffy cheeks. 'He looks so cute.' I sit up and give him a nice peck on his cheek before giggling at his sleepy eyes slightly opened. "I'm hungry." I say and he sits up, rubbing his eyes, yawning and stretching. "What time is it?" He asks with a sleepy voice and droopy eyes.

He picks up his phone, turning the screen on. "We missed breakfast. It was at 7... It's 8 right now. I'll get you something in a minute." He says, lying back down. 'Lies. He just wants to sleep.' "Baby." I say and get no response. 'He fell back asleep. He did stay awake all night long. My warmth is here... I'll just stay here...' "If you want to, I guess we can go." He says. I nod. 'I really am hungry.' "Okay." He sits up and rubs his eyes again. I just wanna kiss him again. His lips are so soft.

He stands up with a smirk, "C'mon. Let's go get you some food." He says, walking towards the door, unlocking it, and opening it. As he unlocks it, I pick up one of his hoodies and put it on. "Ha ha! What are you doing?" He asks cutely. "Just cold." I say. "You look good in my stuff." He says as I stand right in front of him, looking into his eyes.

I smile in a cute way and he starts to lean in. "OH MY GOD! Y'ALL ARE SO CUTE TOGETHER!" Someone says, making me jump and blush really bad. "What did y'all have for breakfast?" Suga asks with a smirk. "Nothing yet..." I answer. "Well... For Jimin..." He says, tossing him an apple.

"What about me?" I ask. "Hm... Well..." Suga says, turning to the side and shouting, "FOR YOU, I GOT..." He turns back to me and smirks. Suddenly, everybody comes in from the stairs and sings "happy birthday." 'I forgot about my birthday. Lauren must have told them. Namjoon is singing it soooooo off key. On purpose? Maybe. But it's funny to me, so I hide my laughing face.'

Jimin looks at me as they're singing. They all clap as they finish, bringing a cake forward and I blow the candles out. They clap again and Jimin sticks his finger in the cake, gets a lot of frosting on his finger, and... I expected him to lick his finger, but instead he rubs it all over my face. "Jimin!" I shout playfully and rub a little off of my face, wiping it on his shirt.

Our little battle doesn't last for long because Jimin cups my face quickly and kisses me passionately. "Awwwwwww." They all say at once. He breaks the kiss and says in a rough, quiet and sexy voice, "You didn't tell me it was your birthday..." "Did I have to?" I ask, smirking. He chuckles lightly, but cutely.

ᴊɪᴍɪɴ ᴘᴏv: 'Damn it... No one told me it was her birthday... She doesn't have to leave like the others, right? She can be like Namjoon and Hobie's girlfriends... She can stay with me forever.'

I give her a hug. "Y/N... Will you stay with me? Here in South Korea?" Everybody just stares at me in disbelief, even her... I grin at her, ignoring the others. "Yes. I think that's a great idea, Jiminnie." She answers with a smile. "Uh... Jimin.... I'd like a quick word with you..." Namjoon Hyung says, walking away.

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