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I woke to a man standing over me in shock, he pointed and screamed. "The Angeles have come!!!"

Not knowing what he meant I stood to feel I considerable weight just by my shoulder blades. Turning my head to peer over my shoulder I see two matted and bloody wings. I look back at the man Who is now on his knees begging for his life.
"What is it you fear sir?" I ask concerned that I might have hurt him... Although I cannot​ recall anything.

The terrified human stared at me as if saying thank god. He quickly stood and ran out of sight, I left the alley to find a bustling city. I start walking down the street with gasps and mumbling all around me, I stop and examine myself in the window of a clothing store. My snow white hair was messy and sticky from not being washed, my green shirt was covered in ash and blood, and had numerous holes. My jeans were blue and torn I notice a piece of paper and pull it out.

It appears to be damaged but I can make out a logo on the back.... PAISLEY PIC'S....

I grab a man from the crowd and say more meanly than expected. "Where can I find Paisley Pic's!?!!"

He looks at the point of heart attack when he finally gains some composer he squeeks the answer. "On first avenue....Please don't hurt me I have a kid!"

I place him down and smile...Wait why am I smiling.... I just scared him half to death!!!..."So sorry for scaring you but...Where am I?" I ask nicely.

"Why not ask me?!" A strange giddy male voice sounds from behind me. I turn on my heel to see an tall lanky man with a pointed chin and spikey eyebrows. He waves at me and I notice that he has long claws.

"Do I know you?" I ask finding his appearance odd.

With a sharp grin he says, "Why, thats the wrong question... Isn't it J ?"

J....My name is J... Wierd...."Ok so what's the right question?"

"Well, if I tell you then the fun is over.... Isn't it hun!" He grins and I glare at him which earns me a flash of fear across his face. "Ok, the question is not if you know me but if I know you!...For even if you did know me you won't now that, you lost your memories!..."

Ok... So I knew him but now I just met him but he knew me before I 'just met him' and he speaks in a series of questions...What's not to hate!..."So, person I have two questions...First where am I?... Second can you show me to Paisley Pic's?"

He looked pleased at the mention of 'question'. " First, you are in London my dear...And second, I can but the question is will I!?"

I sign finding this annoying and a waste of time ..."will you show me to Paisley Pic's?" I said highly annoyed by this horrible cycle.


I eventually made it to Paisley Pic's... With out strangling Jack... The guy with the questions and eyebrows... After about three more cycles I finally got his name!... I stare at the sign with a beautiful lavender coloured Paisley pattern.... I've been here before...

Hey guys... If you read this please don't correct me and I would love to hear your opinion on my story (not grammar) so comment and vote if you want 😘😘😘

P.S- this may turn girlxgirl.... I'm not sure yet...I love you dear readers!

Wibbly Wobbly timey wimey... stuff!!!

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