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This year has changed by a lot, moving to 7th grade and my parents fighting. One night my parents were fighting, but it wasn't a normal fight that they would have, this one seemed worst. My mom kicked my dad out of the house that night. The next day he called and I was talking to him and he said he had a bad day. I asked why because that is what I do and he told me someone died in his arms that day, he tried to revive this old lady and help her from dying because she had gotten into a car wreck. My mom took the phone from me and started talking to my dad and she told him to come home. He came home and I was so happy to see him. About a week later they started fighting again, my dad went to work and so did my mom. After school me and my brother were mad at each other while we were walking home and my mom caught up to us and told us to get into the car. We got in and I saw this hat and I put it on because I love hats. My mom told me and my brother that we were picking up one of her friends, she told us not to tell our dad about this mystery person.

We were driving around downtown and she told us to look for a tall white man wearing blue jeans and a white shirt. She spotted him and pulled over and got out of the car then he got into the car. I was confused why my mom would pull over and let a stranger into her car and let this person drive. My mom told him to look back at me, because I was wearing his hat. My mom told him to drive to her work to pick up my little sister. After we got her he started driving us to his home. He started talking to my mom and she told us not to tell our dad again for the 2nd time. As they were talking my mom said his name, Tony. It took me a little time to realize that this man was not just her friend it was her ex. I thought that it wasn't a good thing that my mom was hanging out with him because my dad doesn't like him. We stayed at his house for the night and we were really close to being late the next day because we were at his house and we didn't have cloths . That morning I told some of my friends about this new person in my life. That night we didn't stay at his house we went to our home.

The next day my mom packed cloths while we were at school and she picked us up from school again but we went to my grandma tea-party's house we were there for most of the evening then Tony drove us to his house. We stayed at his house again. That night as I was doing my homework I lost one of my molars and he was very grossed out so I was thinking he was going to be a little weak man that looks strong and brave. (if you know what I mean) The next day I was on time to school. That day after school we stayed at our house, we ended up staying there for 2 nights then mom decided to let this Tony guy to stay at our house to. Then my mom picked us up and we stayed at her work for a week, we stayed at a hotel for a very low price (she works at the hotel). We went back to that house and stayed there after the 5 days staying at the hotel. My mom bought a new house across the street from my grandma tea-party.

The 2nd weekend we stayed at the new house my brother and sister stayed with my dad, I felt sick that weekend and I didn't really like my dad at the time because people were telling me bad things about him like he was a bad person and things like that. The next time we got to stay with my dad I went, after that week end I really missed him because my mom had full custody of me my brother and sister. We didn't get to stay with my dad for a while after that week. A while after that I kicked my foot on my mom's bathroom counter and almost broke my toe. 2 days after I did that my dad wanted to take me and my siblings out to eat. I put these big boots on so my foot wouldn't hurt as bad but my mom made me out on my new shoes that Tony got me (they were really tight). My foot hurt so bad I was limping. Aubree (someone at my school) was the first one to know about my foot because me and her ended up being at the same restaurant that day and saw me limping. After we left the restaurant my dad showed us his new apartment.

The next day my friend Renee said I was was walking really slow and said she would carry me. I had gym the day after that and of course I didn't wear a shoe on my foot it hurt so bad. Mrs. Nelson (the meanest gym teacher) sent me to the nurse's office because I didn't have a shoe. They looked and saw that my toe was really bruised and swollen, they had me walk around and I did and I wobbled. They said that it wasn't best that I walk around like that through the halls without a shoe. The nurse sent me home and told my mom to take me to the doctor that day or the next day. I waited for my mom to take me to the doctor that day but, she didn't. She called me out of school the next day and said she was taking my to the doctor, she still didn't take me. That night she said she didn't feel good so she said I didn't need to go to the doctor. She said that grandma tea-party could take me. My grandma took me to a lot of different places but we finally got to the E.R. after a hour. I finally got an X-Ray, the doctors said it wasn't broken and I was fine. I asked for a boot and they excused me from gym for 6 days I lived out those 3 weeks and I was back to gym.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2017 ⏰

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