chapter thirty-seven: Hope

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and more blood....

there was blood on my hands and my shirt.I was shaking and was staring at my father would still had the gun in his hand.

"what did you do", I said shakily

"sir,give me the gun", the officer said as he grabbed him

my mother and edward walked outside and the neighbors came outside from their own.then edward ran to me and was backing me away.

"let me go", I said

"bella no", edward said

I pushed him away from me with a huge amount of force and knelt down next to bams body.I started crying.he wasn't breathing at all.the left side of his body was covered in red.I tried to do CPR but there was no movement.

"come on", I screeched as I hit his body then I glared at matt."you killed him", I cried to the top of my lungs

"I didnt—"

"shut the fuck up!!,you know what you did don't try to fucking play dumb!!, I yelled

"bella come on", edward said as he tried to pull me away from him

"don't touch me"

then the ambulance came.they took the stretcher out and put him on it.

"holy shit its bam margera."

"there's room for one more", the peramedic said

"I'll go", I said

I went into the back of the truck and once they closed the door they sped to the hospital.they put an ivy into his arm and started to measure his heart rates.then we got to the hospital.they pushed him though the emergency room and into the O.R. I sat in the waiting room then ape,phil,the guys,alice,edward,and melissa walked in and walked towards me.

"bella,are you alright?, where's bam?", she asked worridely

"I'm fine.he's in surgery right now", I sighed

then ryan sat next to me."what happen?"

"matthew shot him as we were leaving the house", I said

I looked at my hands and at my ring that he gave me.we sat there for hours as I was pacing back and fourth.hoping he was going to be alright.then a surgeon walked out along with a nurse.

"excuse me,where is the woman that came in with Brandon Margera?", he asked

I walked up."yes?", I asked

"what is your name?", he asked

"Isabella Margera", I answered."is he alright?"

"yes,he's stable he should wake up soon enough", he assured

"can we see him?", I asked

"yes,please be quiet he's sleeping",

I walked pass him and went to the room that bam was in.I quietly open the door and entered I took a look at him and started to cry.he looked pale and was motionless,he was breathing but calmly,there was a huge bandage on his shoulder.I pulled a chair up and sat next to him and everyone else walked in.I heard whimpers from april.I didn't look at them I just stared at his calm face.

"bella have you eaten anything today?", alice asked.breaking the silence

I shook my head."I'm not hungry", I said

"bella you have to eat something its not good for the baby", april said

then alice stood up."come on let's go to the food court", she suggested

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