once apon a time

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Once apon a time, there was a lil girl. all she wanted in life was to be loved and cared for. her mother was always there for her when her lil sister would blaim her for things she didnt do and tell her father. her father never beleived anything she had said. her sister was his life. when she turned 7 he started to chock her. he hit her and made her feel worthless. he had always said she would never be any good just a low life girl who would get pregnant and drop out of school.
                             5 years later
        he had finnaly gone away for good. she no longer had to worry about being scared for her life or her mothers. he had gone to prison for drugs and she coudnt be happier till her mother told her they were moving. her heart broke realizing she had to leave her friends. her only friends who kept her happy and safe from the thaughts and bullies and from her father. she didnt want to leave. the next year school started she was the new kid. some made her feel welcome some made her feel horrid. but she knew this wasnt her home. every day she went home she never called it hime. she had alot of bullies for the way she looked and talked. going from country to city was hard. she was surpriszingly smart. she always passed school with As and Bs. she only wanted to make her mother proud of her. soon she finnaly had made a friends. only 3 but that was enough for her. gabe, sebastian, and chey. they made her feel welcome. a new girl came and her name was makayla. she and the girl became best friends. but one day her best friend she had a crush on said he had a crush on makayla. she got them together even though it hurt to have him gone. she was happy for him. then she went online. she had met a boy. he was 2 years older. his name was cody kaloz. he was the best thing to happen to her in a long time. he made her feel special and needed.
  a year later she moved again leaving her friends behind again. she never made friends at her new school she always sits alone. she doesnt talk and she no longer cares if she dies or not. one night she had had enough when cody had told her that hes over her. she overdosed. she got wheeled to a hospitial. when she woke up she saw her mom and her sister crying in the seets next to her.she felt horrid for making them feel bad but they hadnt seen how bad she was hurrting. she had no friends and she had no love. she felt alone. a few hours after getting out of the hospitial she went to another one. but this one was for people who had depression. she stayed there for a week. shed never admit it but she felt better then she did in real life. when she got out she cried in her room. she missed the old her. when she met cody he asked for things from her. he wanted pictures of her and to rp. and she never argued as long as it made him happy. she was tirified of loosing him. and he had left. he left along with the old lil girl. she was no longer happy or enjoing the sun or outside. she always woar a jacket to cover the lil scares covering her arms. and always covered her thighs to hide the words she carves.
        she had felt alone and terrified. not to mention her step father was coming home soon. her birthday came and passed on april 28th. her step father was coming home may 14. she was terrifed of that man. he made her regret living and she had always wanted to hurt him, but no matter how much she hated him he always came back and she let him bc of her mother and sister loving him. she often thinks would they be happy when he came back and i just dissapear? she always thinks everyones better off without her. the little 15 year old only wanted to make everyone else happy. yet all she did was ruin their lives.
       she runs away. she ran from her family and the man who has scared her since she was 5 and abused her since she was 7 she ran. she ran back to her old life even before the country. she ran back to new mexico where she lived when she was barily able to walk. she was home there. sure she had no one there but she could make it work. she would get a job and make money till shes 18 so she can buy a house and have a life. so she may one day be happy again. she would never say her last name. but she would check on her mother every once and a while and text her words of encouragments. shed never tell her mother it was her but shed always know.
       that little girl is me. my names skyler and that was my story. parts are what i think my future will be.

my question to you guys is this.. should i do that? running away to happieness or stay in this hell awaighting for my step father to come back and to see if hes going to abuse me more?


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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2017 ⏰

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