||My Love For You||

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In the beginning, there wasn't much. I was new to that sort of thing. I never really played as a gay guy before, so, naturally I felt a bit awkward roleplaying as one. Fresh meat, shark bait, I was new to roleplaying and characters that I made were—honestly—way mary/gary-sued. You probably don't even remember who I was then. After a few replies, it began to get a bit too hard for me. So I let it go. Then I changed my name and was welcomed into a whole 'nother world.

Where I met you for the second time. Where I fell for you so hard that all my teeth fell out. You stole my heart and never gave it back. And then from my mind was borne a joke; where I began to call you my son. From then on, inside my heart I really adopted you as my son.

Each and every day, you take more of my heart that I didn't even know existed. In other words, my love for you continues to expand. Farther and farther, beyond my reach, and to the ends of the universe, to where it continues to expand side by side to space itself. I'm sure I've already told you this, but each and every star in the sky represents how much I love you.

You're always somewhere in my mind, wherever I go. Either in the front and center of attention, or in the back occasionally popping in to interrupt my mathematical thoughts. Once, in AP English, I couldn't help but draw your profile picture at that time right next to mine. Best friends. Father and son. And a little heart in between us.

I know sometimes I'm blunt, indecisive, stupid, forgetful, insensitive, and maybe sometimes a wee bit annoying—scratch that, really annoying—but it's always to let you know that I love you. Or to just offer up a hug and kiss. And you accept that part of me, which makes me so happy because not many have relented to loving my dark side full of stupidity and bitterness. You make me feel better about myself in every which way, you make me feel full—complete. As if you're a missing part of me.

You drew me out of the shyness and allowed me to explore a new set of words; hun, honey, love, babe, baby, all of those endearing words. You helped me better myself in writing and expanding my vocabulary—which, not to mention, gave me a higher grade.

I love you. So damn much. I hope you accept my love for you.

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