Chapter 26

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When I woke up my head ached, my mouth was dry, and my hands were chained to a metal pipe. Suddenly something smacked my face and I drew back, making a face.

It was Garth, or rather, his wings. He was hanging upside down, bound by his feet. His hands were chained together but his wings were free to do what they wanted, and at that moment it appeared they wanted to hit me in the face.

"Garth!" I whispered. "Are you alive?" His back was towards me, but he was spinning slowly.

"I'm alive." He answered, wriggling around so he faced me. His helmet was still on, as was mine, but our weapons were gone.

"My axe!" I exclaimed. "Ugh, I feel naked." I paused. "And not the fun kind. How long do you think we've been here?"

"Well, I'm pretty hungry so at least an hour."

"That's helpful."

"Do you see a clock!"

"Do you? Do you see anything in a five foot radius?"

"Well, I don't see that creepy old lady. That's good."

I shifted uncomfortably, my wings were cramped and my back hurt. "That's fantastic. Any other good news?" I asked, my voiced dripping sarcasm.

"Nope, I just have to pee really bad, you wouldn't happen to have a-"

"No, whatever it is, no."

"Aw. Anyway, how do we get out?"

I sighed, and tried to twist myself free, but to no avail. "No idea."

"Ugh! Wait, don't you have that com to contact Hawkgirl?"

"Oh, yeah. I was going to call her!" I recovered.

"Yeah, right." He snorted. "Call! Before that crazy lady comes back!"

"Alright! Alright!"

I raised my hip and tried to push down my elbow until I could finally push the button that called Hawkgirl to our aid.

"Hawkgirl. What's your problem?" Her voice crackled over the com.

"Uh, Garth and I are kind of stuck..." I answered, leaning down so she could hear me.

I heard her groan. "I'll be right there. Where are you?"

"Thing is..."

"Abi, you're hopeless."

Garth swung around and yelled, "I know! That's what I've been trying to tell her!"

"Do you know where we are, genius?" I snapped.

"Woah, stop fighting! You two are no better than a bunch of five year olds!"

Garth stuck his tongue out at me and I growled.

"Now," Began Hawkgirl, her voice calm. "Describe your surroundings."

"Dark!" Went Garth.

"Shut up!" I returned.

"Did you hear that?" He asked, "It sounded like an idiot!"

"That was awful!" I retorted.

"Enough! Garth, that was awful. Abi, as the oldest and best trained..."

I stuck my tongue out at Garth.

"'re in charge of keeping him safe!"

"Ha!" Yelled Garth.

I grumbled. "We're somewhere just outside New York, uh..." I tried to remember any landmarks from our crazy ride. "We're by a statue of a horse, about two minutes. We're probably underground..."

"And there's a garage!" Interrupted Garth.

I sighed. "Yes, there is a garage."

"I'm on my way."

"Hurry!" Added Garth. "I have to pee!"

"TMI!" I yelled.

About half an hour later, just when Garth looked like he was going to pee his pants, a figure came striding towards us. I looked up hopefully, but it was Midnight.

"Well, well, well." She rasped. "My prisoners are awake."

"No," Snorted Garth. "We sleep with our eyes open."

"Silence boy!" She hissed, drawing darkness around his mouth, sufficiently gagging him. Never had I been so happy to see a villain after that.

"So, ah..." I began. "What do you want from us?" She turned to me, the darkness trailing behind her like a dog.

"Your souls!"

Suddenly Hawkgirl came flying out of the darkness and slammed into her, shoving her onto the floor. Garth made a sound that I assumed was a cheer, but it was hard to be sure. Soon Midnight was handcuffed, and Hawkgirl moved to rescue us. First she unchained me and I stood up, flexing my wings and arms. The she unchained Garth and he fell to the floor, then leaped up, his legs crossed.

"Bathroom!" He yelled, jumping around. I groaned and turned away. Hawkgirl used the illumination from her axe to guide us to our own weapons, and once my axe was back in my hand I felt much better. Hawkgirl led us through a hole she had made in the wall and into sweet, sweet daylight.

The fly back to New York was quick, and as soon as we got back to the warehouse Garth ran faster than I'd ever seen him go before. To the bathroom, of course. I plopped on to the couch with a sigh and Rocket put her head in my hands.

Hawkgirl leaned against the wall, her mace hanging from her hand.

"Why did you let him come? He's inexperienced."

"He begged me and he's annoying."

"Then you tell him no!"

"He's so freaking persistent!"

"Then you be persistent too!"

"People could have gotten hurt!" I argued, leaning back and crossing my arms.

"Garth could have gotten hurt! And he's your responsibility!"

"I didn't want him!"

"You didn't have a choice! He needed a place to go, that or get rejected by society! How would you have felt if I'd left you to deal with your wings alone?"

She had a point. "I need to think." And I soared off through an open window. I was practically steaming, I needed to be alone.

I landed on a rooftop and pulled my knees up, resting my chin on them. From behind my mask I glared at the city, how was I supposed to know where that car was going?

"Hey, funny seeing you here."

I whipped around, grabbing  my axe. It was Brian.

"Oh, you scared me."

"What are you doing here?"

"I needed some time to myself."

"Oh, I'll go." He began, backing away.

"No!" I said, a little too quickly and forcefully. "I mean, no, you can stay. I don't mind."

A/N: This is alive! First thing: Please don't expect daily updates, and thank you for not harassing me about this, I have a general rule: You harass me, I harass you back. Second thing: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!

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