Chapter 2: Friends

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Two weeks later

Dominic had been here for two weeks, and so far he'd only been experimented on three times. I'd taken his other four times needed, making my total eleven. My body was exhausted, but it was worth it to see that Dominic was as safe as possible.

We hadn't managed to find Tyrell or Laelynn yet, but Dominic was determined they were here. He'd managed somehow to place a water ability on me to keep the power limiter serum from working longer than 20 minutes, so I was able to keep us warm at night.

Dominic was sleeping restlessly, a frown creasing his forehead and shudders racketing his frame. He'd been experimented on last night, the last of three times I'd been unable to keep them from him. He had welts along his arms and a bruise on his cheek, making my heart ache every time I saw them.

I ran my hand through his hair, his head resting on my lap. I had my palm warmed and was running down his arm, carefully hovering over the angry purple and red marks marring his skin, taking away as much pain from them as possible. He shivered again, still feeling that electricity running through him. Being a water person, he had more water in his system which held the sparks, keeping them running through his body.

I sighed, pressing a gentle kiss to his fingertips entwined in my other hand. Hakan, can you hear me? I heard in my head and I jumped, almost startling Dominic awake. Yes? Who are you? I thought back and then the reply Oh thank gods, it's me! Aaban! Percy? Zee and I are looking for you, Chev, Ryo and Eve, and I just barely managed to break through the electric fence they have around the place that prevents mental communication. This conversation probably won't last long. How are you and Ryo coping?

I looked down at Dominic and felt faint relief. If Percy had managed to contact me finally after two and a half months, that means he was closer to saving us, to saving Dominic. Ryo is doing better than I am, but I'm making sure it stays that way. I've been taking his sessions, he's only had three these last two weeks whereas I've had eleven. Ryo is not to be harmed I thought to him angrily and worry filtered into my mind.

We'll try to have you four out soon. We've called some people higher up, and surprisingly, Zee has connections with the royal guard. My connections only go as far as several celebrities with other connections. We have a very strong six person connection, he thought to me confidently and I nodded slowly, looking once more at Dominic who had curled up tighter into his ball.

Please hurry, they're using electricity rods and with Ryo's water ability, it's causing him more pain than it is me. Fire and electricity are basically the same things, but it still hurts me slightly. It's ten times worse for him, I thought worriedly and his confident reply came back, Trust me, we'll be there a week or two max, promise.

I nodded, and sighed, squeezing Dominic's palm in mine. I heard loud rustling and Dominic startled awake, terror filling his eyes as he sat up, clutching to my arm. I gently helped him up and pushed him behind me, feeling his hand clutch at my shirt shakily, tremors still shaking his frame from the earlier shocks.

He's coming back I thought to Percy and he replied quickly, Let me come into your mind and I can see what's going on, it might help. I nodded and I felt his presence settle into my mind, just out of touch. I came back to reality as a hard plastic rod hit the bars of the cell, making Dominic jump violently.

"Ryo, come on child," the doctor said kindly and I held Dominic's arms tighter. "No! He's still recovering from last time, if you try again too soon you won't have a person to experiment on," I snarled sarcastically, anger making me heat up even though I tried not to. "Just take me you bastard," I snapped and the doctor sighed.

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