Boring World. No more.

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Its dark. Its blurry... but I hear a voice...... is it calling for me?

Mysterious Voice: "Nobuyuki Oikawa. Isn't life BORING? Want to play a GAME?" 

Who is that? Why does he know my name??? What the hell is going on!?

Me: "Who are you...? What's going on? What are you talking about? A game? What game?"

Mysterious Voice: "A game that involves high risk, high rewards. A game that allows you to compete against real life players. A game much more fun than any games you have played so far. Much more intense than computer and console games. A game that is REALLLLY FUN! Let me ask you again... AREN'T YOU BORED OF THIS WORLD? THIS PATHETIC BORING WORLD WHERE YOUR SKILLS AS A GAMER ISN'T APPRECIATED? Tell me, what is your ideal world?"

A game that is really fun...? What is it? Sure... that would be nice... even though I mastered every game ive played uptil now... Console games, computer games and mobile games. I'm the master of them all... but how does he know im a gamer? My ideal world? What's going on??

Me: "Yeah sure... that would be nice but all the games always end up boring anyway... My ideal world is a world where there is a lot of challenges and excitement revolving around games...? That would be nice..."

Mysterious Voice: "Very well. Nobuyuki Oikawa, I shall remember that."

*Mysterious Voice fades away*

*Wakes up*

I opened up my eyes, only to see the same plain old ceiling every morning.

What was that just now...? A dream? That voice... that was really weird... Oh well, probably just some weird dream.

My name is Nobuyuki Oikawa, 17 years old, 5ft'9 and addicted to gaming. I don't mean to brag but I am always the best at every game. Life is really boring and so is this world. I started playing games when I was 4 and before I knew it I'm addicted to gaming. I don't see a problem with it. It helps me escape reality and most of the time I have fun. Most of the time. I don't get it why my parents scold me because I play games. Life is getting really boring though, I mean, everyday is the same. Go to school, attend classes, comes back from school, play games, do work, sleep. It's really boring.

I got out if bed, washed up and went to school.

*Reaches School*

As I walked towards my desk in my classroom, I met my friends.

Yuuji: "Hey Oikawa, wanna go grab lunch together later?"

Chikara: "Yeah, join us! Let's have lunch together!"

Tetsurou: "Yeah come along! We can go to the Cyber Cafe afterwards too!"

Me: "Sure, I'm fine with anything."

They are my friends in school. Shocking? Maybe, since I'm quite antisocial. Well, they are my only friends at school. All of them are gamers just like me, except they are also talented in other areas too.

Matsukawa Yuuji, 17 years old, 6ft'2 and is very artistic. He can play music instruments and draw very well.

Hyakuzawa Chikara, 18 years old, 6ft'7 and in my school's volleyball team, playing the role middle blocker. I'm really jealous of his height.

Kindaichi Tetsurou , 17 years old, 5ft'4 and is the captain track and field in my school. He is freaking fast, in fact, fastest in my school.

Everyone got ready for class. I guess its gonna be another boring day...

*classes started awhile later*

First period is Mathematics. Not only do I hate the subject I hate the teacher as well. Mr Iwamuro, our math teacher, is really shit. He can't teach well and his lessons are so damn boring. Maybe I should just sleep during his lessons instead?

After greeting the teacher, we opened our textbooks and notebooks and got ready to take down notes. If only his lectures weren't as boring maybe i would be able to focud in class instead of dozing off?

Mr Iwamuro: "Today we will be continuing with yesterday's lecture..."

*1 hour later*

Damn, I'm having trouble keeping myself awake. I wonder if there will ever be a change... maybe a change in lifestyle? This world and this life is way too boring.

*Mr Iwamuro facing the whiteboard, suddenly turns his head 180 degrees and stared at me.*

Wait what??? His head... it turned 180 degress!? What the fuck?!!

Everyone, just as traumatised, looked at Mr Iwamuro. In seconds, the class broke out into screams and cries.

Classmates were covering their mouths and shocked. WHAT IS GOING ON??? WHY IS THE TEACHER'S HEAD TURNED 180 DEGREES BACKWARDS?

Mr Iwamuro then collapsed. But something wasnt right. In fact, it was very wrong. His body collapsed onto the floor but his head was floating in the middle of the air.

Holy shit. This is just a dream right?
I pinched myself and slapped myself. I probably just fell asleep and is having a nightmare. Nope. This shit is real. I'm not dreaming, its a living nightmare.

The class was in chaos. Everyone was panicking and screaming at the top of their lungs. At that moment, the detached floating head flew towards a desk beside it rested on the desk. The head started shaking. A creepy smile appeared on the face of the detached head.

One of my classmates, Hajime Misaki, decided to make a run for it.


Most of the classmates immediately followed her and decided to run out of the classroom.


The rest of us, approximately 25 of us that did not follow after Misaki stared at the exit of the classroom in horror. Those that tried to escape made it out. They made it out... DEAD.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2017 ⏰

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