The Hospital

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Ally's POV

We all arrived at the hospital. When we walked in, Dylan and Dani guided us to a big room. The walls were painted baby blue, with the ceiling light pink. there were at least fifty kids in the room, all with smiles on their faces when Dylan and Dani walked through the door. Towards the back of the room, there were several others, mainly adults. Dylan and Dani walked onto the stage while the rest of us were directed to the crowd.

"How are you guys today?" Dani asked.

"Good!!" the kids chorused. A little girl ran up to me, and I bent down to her level.

"Are you Ally fwom Fifth Hawmony?" she asked in her adorable voice.

"Yes, what's your name?" I inquired giving her my signature smile.

"I'm Wachel, I'm fouw," she replied.

"So you're a big girl are you?"

"Yep! Dani and Dywan say I'm cwute too!"

"Well, you are."

"Mommy and daddy didn't think so," she replied sadly. I was wondering what she was talking about, but I didn't want to ask. I picked her up and that's when Dylan and Dani started talking again.

"So, this first song is very inspirational to us. We have heard the original singer and a wonderful group sing this song. Now, before we sing, we would like to introduce you guys to some people. Please welcome our sisters, Demi and Dallas Lovato, along with our little sister Madison," Dani said. The crowd erupted into cheers and applause as the three of them walked into the stage.

"Also, please welcome my little sister, who has never failed to come, Carter!" Dylan exclaimed. As Demi, Dallas, and Maddie walked off, Carter walked on.

"Hey guys! Are you ready for some music?" she asked when Dani handed her a mic. A bunch of screams followed after.

"Next we have five amazing girls. They, as well as Demi, saved my life multiple times, and they are just so inspirational to millions around the world. Please welcome, Camila, Dinah, Normani, Lauren, and Ally from Fifth Harmony!" Dylan said. I set Rachel down and walked on the stage with the girls. I waved to everyone. I looked to my left and saw Nick. He was standing to the side looking solemn. I showed Dani this, and she nodded. Camila, Dinah, Lauren, Normani, and I walked off the stage, and I picked up Rachel again. Dylan walked over to Nick.

"Now Nick, you didn't think we would forget about you, did you?" she said while dragging him on stage. "This is the great and amazing Nick Jonas everybody! I think that Nick is going to help us today, an I right Nick?" She asked. He nodded.

"Alright, now we have our wonderful mom and stepdad, Dianna and Eddie!" Dani shouted. Dianna and Eddie didn't move, so Dani and Dylan jumped off stage and dragged them on stage. Then, Dylan hugged Dianna. As they walked off, Dani announced the song.

"Ok, now that introductions are over, Nick?" she said. "Everyone, this is Skyscraper."

"Dylan: Skies are crying, I am watching

Catching tear drops in my hands

Only silence as it's ending

Like we never had a chance

Do you have to make me feel like

There's nothing left of me?

Both: You can take everything I have

You can break everything I am

Like I'm made of glass

Like I'm made of paper

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