[Three] Labor & Birth

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"Holy shit!" You shout at the gush of warm water that has leaked from you, onto the floor. You glance at the clock that you had placed into the bathroom to see it is two in the morning on a Wednesday.

Kenma is coming a week early!

You attempt to remain calm as you exit the bathroom and enter into Kuroo's room. You thrash the pillow out resting placid on Kuroo's on his head and you are quickly thrown a 'what the hell are you doing'.

"Guess who's water broke!"

Kuroo almost immediately sits up, "Y-Yours?"

"Yes! Yes! Get dressed!" You cry as you scurry out of the room. You can't believe you were just trying to go pee and this happens.

You hear Kuroo's voice as you leave the room. "I thought he wasn't due for another week?!"

"Apparently Kenma wasn't here for that!" You exclaim as you grab your hospital bag and begin to change out of your pajamas.

Kuroo enters into your room in his boxers as you throw on your maternity dress. "Are you being serious?"

"Would I ever joke about something like this?" You question him as you throw the hospital bag at him. "If you want proof, look at the bathroom floor."

"So, we go?"

You roll your eyes at his response, but you can understand his uneasyness. "Yes, Kuroo, we go."


You are now in the emergency room, waiting for the baby to make his launch. But, now that it's all happening, you are terrified.

"Kuroo, I don't know if I can do this." You pant out, trying to take deep breaths. "I don't think i'm ready."

"Why? What's wrong? Are you okay?" Kuroo frantically questions you, assuming the worst.

"Well..having a baby is going to hurt."

"I'll be here, it'll be fine. I promise." Kuroo tries to comfort you, grabbing onto your hand as you lay in the hospital bed. "It might hurt, yeah, but if it wasn't worth it, do you think any of us would be here? You're giving life, [f/n], giving Kenna. Our son. Isn't he worth the pain?

"You're right. I love Kenma, I have to do this for him."

"See? You have this."

"I kinda have to get this."

"It'll be alright, okay? It'll be a little bit of pushing and then he is out."

You look down to your gigantic stomach, hands reaching down to rest upon it. "If he does come, I hope he is okay."

Kuroo smiles to you, "He will be. He has the most careful mother in the world."


You stare down at the newborn in disbelief. This being really flew out of you? This is the boy who was inside your womb? This is real? You transfer looks between the newborn who is being toweled down in your arms by nurses and Kuroo. You watch as Kuroo smiles widely, tears in his eyes, touching his baby boy. You come to the realization this is real.

This is your baby. Here in the real world. In your arms to hold. Your vision becomes blurred as the tears bundle into your eyes, starting to leek down. This wasn't a simple cry. This was an utter sob of happiness.

Kuroo squashed a kiss to your temple, "You did it."

You don't have any words to say as you hold your crying baby tightly to you, not wanting to let go. Your son is absolutely adorable and healthy, everything you could hope for.

"Welcome to the world, little Kenma."

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