We always run. That's how it's always been. Just me and Jack. That's my brother. But that's what we do. We run. From what? Fear, darkness, death, hate. All that stuff. But not like you run from it. We run from the real thing. The monster. The real Fear. It's black and empty and it looks like there is no end. Like there can never be happiness ever again. It's not such a horrible life. We go to school, eat meals, go to movies and stores. The only difference is we are run by Fear, as we run from fear. Fear is the thing everyone in a way runs from. I guess I should tell you my name. I'm Hazel. I live a relatively normal life, other than running. I'm called a Senser, but Jack is a Runner. It's what we do and who we are. We're outlaws.
The Fear Factory
Science FictionHear no evil See no evil Feel no evil oops, to late