Charolettes web

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Charlotte's Web

Disclaimer: Charlotte is gentle if she is pleased with the token the players bring for her. She will throw a tantrum if she does not like it, much like a human child. If this happens, immediately execute the abort conditions. Not doing so needlessly endangers the players' lives. This game is not approved for pedophiles and those otherwise bad around children. Do not attempt if the player is emotionally compromised.

This game is for two players. The token is a girl's toy. The board is a dark room. The opponent is a ghost girl called Charlotte.

Note from a Player: No candles, she doesn't like fire and lighting a candle around her is like jumping into a shark tank with loads of meat strapped to your body.


Several flashlights

A floor mirror

A table

Two chairs


Enter the board.

Place the table in the center.

Place the chairs at one side of the table.

Stand the mirror two or three feet from the table across from the chairs.

Place the token in the center of the table.

Turn on your flashlights to see as needed.

Turn off any lights in the room and sit in the chairs.


Say "We want to play Charlotte's Web" in unison.

Look at the mirror.

The opponent will appear in the mirror. Players will hear her as if she is in the room and not in the mirror.

If the opponent likes the token, the players may continue.

Take turns asking questions to the opponent.

When finished, execute the abort conditions.

Under No Circumstances:

Look at anything other than the mirror.

Use any light source involving fire.

Play more than once.

Abort Conditions - If any of these are true, both players must say "Goodbye Charlotte" in unison.

The opponent is not calm.


There is no win condition.

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