A Conversation About the Weather with a Square and a Circle

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A Conversation About the Weather with a Square and a Circle.

For the best reading experience we suggest imagining the conversation in British accents.

“Good morning Mr. Circle.”

“Good morning Mr Square.”

“The weather is nice don't you think Mr. Square?”

“No, it's absolutely dreadful.”

“Well I guess it's all a mater of perspective Mr. Square.”

“ What is the point of Perspective when you have consensus Mr Circle?”

“Simple Mr. Square. Perspective is a matter of Free Will.”

*scoff* “You of all people should know, Mr. Circle, that Free Will is a sham.”

“What do you mean Mr. Square? Are you saying that Free Will doesn't exist?”

“Of course not Mr. Circle. However Free Will is a sham.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well Mr. Circle it all boils down to general consensus. When one person agrees to an idea they will spread it. And then the person they spread it to will spread it. And the person they spread it to will spread it. And then the person they spread it to will spread it and the circle goes on.”

“But doesn't a person have the free will to resist the idea Mr. Square?”

“Yes. But as soon as they consider the idea they have given in to the consensus. They have relinquished free will. They have conformed.”

“An interesting theory Mr. Square. But where is the proof to back it up?”

“My proof Mr. Circle? Internet memes.”

“Internet memes?”

“Yes Mr. Circle. Internet memes. Think about what a meme is. It's an idea. A societal trend that is spread like a virus to others by others. Once you consider the idea “Funny” or “Cool” you join the general consensus of people who also believe it's “Funny” or “Cool”. And even if you think the opposite, you join the general consensus of people who think the opposite. At some point in our lives, we all consider an idea. We all join a general concession. We all relinquish free will. We all conform.”

“Hmm, very good Mr. Square. Very good. However there is one problem. How does this apply to us? We are simply fictional characters.”

“What about him?”


“The person reading Mr. Circle.”


“No doubt he read the “optimal reading experience” note when he started. He's probably been imagining us talking in British accents this entire time.”

“Incredible Mr. Square. Simply Incredible.”

“Indeed Mr. Circle.”

“I do believe we should do this again some time Mr. Square.”

“I am inclined to agree Mr. Circle.”


or maybe not. After all. It's just a matter of Perspective...

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