✦| Introduction

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[Previously known as: The Badboy's Bullets]

[Previously known as: The Badboy's Bullets]

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Carlton Hargrave is arrogant and utterly rebellious. Being the youngest son of the most reputed billionaire of the decade, his problematic ego makes him incapable to love anyone or anything.

After the true colours of his Father's inside business are revealed, he's looking for a new beginning, away from this city.

Little does he know that amidst the chaos, the mafia scandals, the expensive parties and million-dollar tours, his life was about to change forever.

When he runs into the girl he's been trying to run away from, he finds himself falling for her all over again.

But she is hiding her consequential past, that involves dangerous outlaws, and she needs help.

Carlton knows that, for this girl, he was ready to give up anything and everything to keep her safe, even if it meant firing a bullet.


'Carlton' is a spin off to Always, but you DON'T need to read the previous book to understand this one because this book has a brand new start. So read on! :D

Carlton Hargrave has a side role in 'Always'. But he is a powerful character with a deep, deep, personality. He's not just a badboy but there's more to him than just arrogance and violence so I believed that his point of view needed more attention than it had.

Big thanks to you for opening this book and giving me a chance! We, the writers, get delighted AF when someone takes their time to read what they've worked on!


Plagiarism is a crime, and every book is the result of the author's hard work, thoughts, and shit-load of practice and tenacity so please do not copy any part of this or any other book.

I have spent a lot of time and effort in coming up with this plot and if any of events occurring in this story are similar to another book, consider it as a coincidence; all the events are a result of my imagination and creativity.

I welcome all kinds of suggestions, feel free to express! I don't bite XD


This story contains cursing, sexual content and drug usage; there will be certain scenes portraying violence. Proceed only if you're okay with reading about all of that.

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