They Read there letters

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 All members of the Order was sitting down at the table disscusing everything on wahts was goinging on an what is happening when they hear a screech

"Hey its hedwig" Fred said people went silent at the table 

"Its a letter frmo Harry" Ron said looking at them

"Read it" Charlie said Bill took the letter

Dear Fred, George, Ron, Percy, Charlie, Bill

My time has come you

"What?" asked Tonks

"It sound like sucide talk" Ron said they gulped they hoped and prayed it wasent that

"Calm down, i am sure its not that" Dumbledore awnsered 

, were always my best friends my brotehrs exsept in blood

"We love you two we think of you as a baby brother"  Percys said with a sad smile

, im sorry you have to hear from me like this my fate has come destiney awaits know matter how hard i try to escape it cannot be avoidied as much as i would like i know he would never give up

"Who?" Dumbledore asked looking at the weasleys and Hermione

"I Don't know he never talked about him" Ron awnsred the others shock there head conforming what he said was true

Do not come seeking me out i will never be there and if you ask people were i have gone 

"Good he's not dead just going into hiding" Ron said

"Hows that better" Tonks asked

"Would you rathier him to be dead, than a alive" Ron asked she shock her head she didn't want him dead she was just confused on why he had to leave

they will tell you that they have never heard of me, I'm sorry it has to be done to Keep you all safe.

Do Not enter the house you will be haunted and killed by a demonic entity 

"What?" Asked everyone

"I don't know he must explain more in Hermione's letter" Charlie said 

that has taken a liking to the house, you enter the house you will be cursed and you want escape the only way to avoid it is not to go to the house or if you do the only way is to end it all.

I will reaturn again but i cant promise i will be the same as it was before i have left fore even i cant predict were my fate will lead to

They looked down thinking he was talking about voldemort 

Pleaces what ever you do Don't Enter The House

From Harry and Jason

P.s Dont take teh pendants all its to protects you from what will come

Ron grave the pendants to his brotehrs that were engraved with thier names on it they could feel the magic that was within it they all saw the pendants

Ron grave the pendants to his brotehrs that were engraved with thier names on it they could feel the magic that was within it they all saw the pendants

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2017 ⏰

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