The wake up.

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{jäger's POV}

[time skip 3 days later]

Right before I passed out some three days ago the only thing I could remember was that both my and Yang were on the ground bleeding, paramedics and nurses rushing to the field to save us and as they came to me i could only say "no no *cough cough* save Yang she needs it more then me." Then after that, Was darkness.

I wake up from my 3 day long coma to find all of my team standing around my hospital bed. Team JINX.

I was Jäger Xander Dwight. The J in Jinx

The girl to my left was Isadora belladonna. The

The dark haired boy at my feet was Nathaniel Logan Hawthorne. The N in JINX

And finally to my right was Xander Jonas Winston. The X in JINX.

"What were you thinking?!" Said Xander immediately scolding me upon my return.

"Calm down. He literally just woke up." Said my female teammate.
"Yeah and he's probably not felling very well." Said Nathaniel.

I tried to whisper out word but all that came out was unintelligible mumbling.
"No no no ssssshhhhh. Get some rest." Said izadora.

"He's been asleep for three days." Nathaniel said with a chuckle.

I looked at the clock to realize it was breakfast. I attempted to ask my teammates for some food by pointing at the clock.

"Oh right! It's breakfast time you. want some food?" Said iza.
I nodded in compliance.
"Ok we'll get you some pancakes." Said Xander.
But as they attempted to leave to fetch me some food someone stopped them at the door exclaiming
My eardrums were bleeding after that shrieking!
The person who yelled out was short with red hair, and emerald eyes.
"I can gets you guys the BEST pancakes in the world!! HEY HONEY!!!!"
"Yes" 'honey' replied
They continue to exchange comments while I was over here with ear redder then blood.
Iza saw and put a stop to the yelling.
"Hey hey hey could you please keep it down. There's a man right behind us who really needs to rest." Said my female teammate
"SORRY!" The short ginger responded
"AAAAAAAHHHH!" I exclaimed
"Oh. Sorry." The ginger finally said something softly.
At that moment a new gentleman walked in through the door way.
"Here. Hey some of my pancakes. Fresh batch" the man said in a really soothing voice contradicting the shrieking gingers.
"Thank you." Was all I could muster to say.
As I took a few bites of the heaven flavored goodness in front of me, my teammates and the two others talked.

"Sorry but I never believed we got your names." Nate said with curiosity.
"Oh! Right how silly of me. I'm Nora, nora Valkyrie! And this is my honey boo lie ren!" She said.
"Hi" is all ren said
It's like they're total opposites. "Wow" I thought to myself. "So opposites really do attract huh?" I joked about.

That's when a doctor came in to perform a check up to see if I needed more rest.

"Despite your previous engagement with Ms Yang and a lot of blood loss, you seem in the clear to move about again. Just don't go hurting yourself to much. You're still healing."
Said the doctor surprised at my recovery.
"Thank you doctor." Is all I said.
"Oh your quite welcome young fellow." Said the jolly old doctor. "Now run along I got more patience to check up on."

"Yes sir." I said.

As I exited the room I heard doctors rushing. To what I was unsure of. But if it was what I thought it was, I needed to help.

As I reach where the doctor were rushing to I was once again struck with fear. It was yang. Laying down in a hospital bed. Bruised, swollen and in a way worse state then I was. She still hadn't woken up. The Machine was signaling she was flatlining and the doctor defibrillator was missing.
I had only one chance. I activated my semblance! (Control/producing lighting)
I ran into the room show the doctors my hands and yelled "HOW MUCH VOLTAGE?" The doctors replied "700 V!"
"Got it!" I placed my hands on yangs chest and gave a good shock. It wasn't enough. I tried again with 1000 V. I wasn't enough then I turned it up to eleven giving her 2000 V!

The machine stopped working.

I put pressure against her wrist to check for pulse it was dim. It was hard to feel anything.
I pressed my ear against her heart and to my relief she was alive. She was breathing.
All the doctors on the room praised me for my quick thinking and reactionary skills. After all that debacle three girls walked in, I turned around to see their faces, it was Ruby, Weiss and Blake. They heard the news of Yangs flatlining and came to help save her.
"Ok here let me expla-" SMACK!
Right on the left cheek. Weiss had just slapped me. And then proceeded to scold me. "YOU MONSTER!!! How could you have done that to Yang on the battlefield!! And now you come in here to stop her recovery?! Her much do you want her dead you sick f-" right then the Machine roared to life with a strong, loud, consistent beeping.

"Wait, what?" Ruby said with a confused expression.
"We thought she was dead!" Said Blake

"Hehe. Y'see if you had let me explain earlier, I would've said, Yang is alive and well. Just asleep. She's fine. Right doctors?" I proceeded to say.
"Yep" replied all of the docs.

"So wait what happened here?" Asked the ice queen.

"Well. This boy saved ms Yangs life here." Said the doctor.

"Oh my goodness!" Said Weiss
"I am so, so sorry if I had known I wouldn't have slapped you and-" I cut her off.

"It's alright it's alright. You didn't know. I would've done the same if izadora was laying there." I responded with my cheek still red with a hand print.

"Aaaaaaarrrrrrhhggggg" said someone in the room.

"What was that?" I said. I looked back at the bed to see Yang awake but drowsy. The three girls of team RWBY rush to her side as she finally woke up.

As Yang grew awake enough to understand speech the doctors explained in more detail what happened. As they pointed back to where I was there was nothing but space. I had left the room in both fear of Yang and respect of privacy between the teammates of RWBY. I can only hope she forgives me.


Chapter 4 coming soon.


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