Old Friends, New Partnership

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Walking into a dark forest at night might not be a good idea for most people, but when you are as determined as I am to find my old friend... Then you'd better believe that I'm not scared about the dangers in the forest. Looking up through the gaps the trees make, I spot the moon and embrace its gentle glow it gives me... Like a mother hugging a child. Trying to find an opening on a hill, I keep pushing onward to find my long lost friend.

Suddenly, an idea pops in my head like a mini firework going off. When Mitsuyu and I got separated on hunts, we would howl to each other to let the one know where the other was... Then wait for the other's reply.  So, at the top of my voice, I howled with my hands cupped round my mouth to amplify the sound... I kept going until I could no longer grasp anymore breath to create sound. I stood still, ears peeled and eyes open, waiting for a reply from Mitsuyu... But none came, all that replied were the crickets in the bushes and the occasional hoot from a near by owl.

Still, determination unwavering, I tried again, and again... And again. Hope was starting to leave me like the tears from a child, I felt drained, exhausted and alone. I was hoping so much that he was still alive, something in my gut told me that I must not give up hope and to keep searching. Reaching the top of a hill overlooking a valley with a small waterfall below me, I try for one last time tonight. Taking one deep breath, I howled for as long and as loud as possible. When I stopped, all I heard were my own howls echoing throughout the forest... Unanswered.

Maybe he really didn't make it out alive...

Suddenly, my ears picked out a low howl that was soon followed by countless others. A pack of wolves returned my call for my friend, I replied the call with another howl that gave away my location and how to find me. After about two hours later, the forest was awoken by the sounds of panting and the thumps of hundreds of paws on freshly fallen leaves. Suddenly a brown wolf jumped out of the forest bushes and looked at me with glowing amber eyes, but then the wolf that I was looking for this whole time walked calmly out the forest with his head held high in authority.

"Mitsuyu..." I said in a voice that was just above a whisper. His ears pricked up in my direction and only then did he look at me with his beautiful emerald eyes that I had grown to love as a child. Then, out of no where, he jumped on me and started to lick my face like an excited dog that has finally seen its owner in a really long time. He stopped licking me to look at my face, his tail started wagging which proved his excitement to see me after we spent such a long time apart.

He then got off of me and started to shift to his human form. Did I forget to mention that Mitsuyu is a werewolf?

"Sky! It's been forever that I last saw you kid!" He said once he had shifted into his human form.

I smiled back at him and nodded my head before running into his arms and hugging the life out of him. Suddenly a growl erupted out of no where, there was a grey she wolf growling at us with bright blue-silver eyes. "Kira, it's okay... You don't have to be jealous over her. This girl, now a grown woman, is the same girl I was telling you stories about." He replied to her and she stopped growling before shifting in her human form.

She turned out to be a woman with bright blue eyes and long slender brown hair that was pin strait. She looked at me with scrutinizing eyes, judging my appearance and my bond with her mate. "Don't worry girl, if you are feeling jealous of me and your mate, then you have no need to be. Mitsuyu and I are, and always have been, old friends. Besides, who has time for relationships when you have demons and angels on your case day in and day out, everyday?" I reply and she looks at me in confusion mixed with relief.

Mitsuyu looks at me sternly, his eyes a darker shade of emerald.   "Have they been bothering you? Ever since we got separated in that attack?" He asked me curiously. All I did was nod my head and before I knew it, he started to punch one of the nearby trees with everything he's got. "Dammit! Dammit! DAMMIT!!!!" He yells at the tree while punching it. I was about to tell him to calm down when a sound caught my attention, like something was being dragged across the forest floor.

"MITSUYU! Quiet down. We're not alone here..." I say in a voice that immediately stops his next punch. The poor innocent tree is now nothing but a few splinters, kind of like me if I don't kill this demon that is making its way toward us. Looking in the direction of the sound, bright red eyes shine from the darkness of the forest. "Wh-what was that?" Her soft voice questions Mitsuyu who softly whispers back. "A demon", that was the last thing he said before it attacked.

It lunged at me and pushed me down to the ground while it stood above me, a victorious grin on its hideous face. "SKY!" Mitsuyu yelled when it stood, but as soon as its attention was drawn elsewhere... I fought back.
The thing about demons, is that they're easily distracted by loud noises. Kicking my feet against its stomach caused it to go flying back at immense speed, but sadly this demon is a cat demon. These types of demons are hard to defeat because of their sleekness and brain power, they are sly like a fox and yet graceful like a bird.

"Sky! What is that thing?!" Mitsuyu yells to me, worry evident in his tone. "I am Nicora, the cat demon, and your life is what I seek. Sent here by my master, I have come to slay you half-a! Prepare to breathe your last breath!" She hisses before lunging at me, claws out and ready to strike.

Have you ever been attacked by a person who moves at speeds of a snake when it strikes its prey? Well that is what I'm dodging right now. Her strikes are fast and accurate, but not accurate enough... She attempts to strike my throat with her claws, but I manage to grab her fingers just a few centimeters away from it.

"You may be strong, but I'm stronger..." I reply to her shocked expression. Before she could even think about what I had said, I grabbed her throat and crushed it with my bare hand.

She dropped to the ground, writhing with pain... Until I crushed her skull with my boot.

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