Chapter Three

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Suddenly nervous about the whole situation again, I stepped back, "Why would I do that? I don't even know you."

He chuckled, "We can get to know each other." he said, stepping closer and closer.

"No!" I spat. "I don't want to get to know you I just want to g-" I was cut off by him grabbing my waist and pulling me into him. Once again, he was looking down into my eyes. I never noticed his eyes were a perfect brown-ish honey color. And his hair. Lush brown, up in a quiff and swept to the left. Truthfully, he was very attractive. And I mean very.

He looked deep into my eyes as his lips inched closer and closer to mine. Struggling and pulling away, I tried my best to get free from his grip. But nothing. His lips were now hovering only centimeters from my own full set of lips. Wide eyed with my bottom lip quivering, I shook slightly. I couldn't help but be nervous. What was this guy going to do to me? What's going to happen?

Just as his lips grazed mine, he paused, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth as he chuckled, "I make you nervous don't I?"

My cheeks flushed as I looked away, "N-No!"

He only laughed more and let me go, stepping back enough for me to catch my breath. "You're cute, you know that?" I frowned and turned away from him. "Hah! Still cute." Blushing harder out of anger and flatter, I pulled my phone out. Just as I went to press the screen, he grabbed it from my hands. Once again, my god damn phone.

I sighed frustratingly and looked to him, "Give it back."

"No. You're staying here tonight." He stated. Making the situation sound final.

Feeling my anger build up more, I fisted my hands at my sides. "No. I'm not! Now give the phone back or-"

"Or what?" he challenged, looking me straight in the eye. I opened my mouth to say something, when nothing came out. Seriously, there was nothing I could do. This guy was way taller, stronger, and probably aggressive at that. And me? I'm just a kid compared to him!

My eye twitched in frustration as I crossed my arms and looked away. "Exactly. You're staying." he said, holding my phone in his hand as he analyzed it. "Who did you come to the party with?" I lifted a brow, surprised a bit. Why would he ask?

"My friend." I said, hesitantly.

"Her name?"


Giving a low chuckled, he spoke again. "Okay." Those dark eyes lifted, meeting mine. "I'll be right back." And with that, he walked up some stairs. I stood there, anxiously, looking around. What did I get myself into.

Thanks for taking me to that party, Alyssa. Thanks a whole freakin' lot!

Snapping me from my thoughts, the soft thumping of his feet hitting the steps on their way down came into my ears. I looked to see him coming down the stairs with something in his hands. As he got closer I noticed he had loosely folded clothes in his hands to which he tossed to me. Being the clumsy idiot I am, I barely caught them gripping them and hugging them to my chest. "Here's something to sleep in."

Feeling utterly defeated, I sighed. "Where's the bathroom?"

He cocked his head towards a door that stood about 7 feet from the left of me, "In there." he said.

I nodded and went in, making sure to lock the door. Unfolding the clothes, I noticed he gave me only a black V-neck. The hell? I unlocked the door and peaked my head out to see him waiting. "Why the hell did you only give me just a shirt?"

A smirk spread on his lips, "It's all I had that would be close to fitting you. I don't have any shorts you could wear." I narrowed my eyes at him. He wasn't slick at all. I could tell he was lying. God dammit. Guess I'll wear my jeans.

I went back in the bathroom, locking the door again, and slipped into the black V-neck. Whatever. I'm just staying one night right? Guess it doesn't matter how I look when I sleep. I reached my hand to the door knob and unlocked the door, stepping out. Of course he was still standing there, but his facial expression looked displeased.

"What?" I asked.

His dark stare met my gaze. "You're still wearing your pants." I guess he was expecting me to have them off, though why would it surprise me? I can't believe how much of a perv this guy is.

"Yeah. I do still have them on. What did you expect me to do? I wasn't gonna strip down to my underwear and a shirt!"

A wider smirk spread on his lips, letting me know that was his exact intentions. Pressing my lips in a fine line, I rolled my eyes and moved over to the couch aside me, lazily tossing my other shirt on it. I didn't notice he was walking over to me until I turned to see him. A smirk was still playing on his lips as he inched closer. Once I was within his reach, he grabbed me and pulled me too the couch, laying me down with him on top.

Heat instantly rose to my cheeks. "What are you doing!?" I frantically yelled.

He gave a low laugh, "You'll see."

I stayed still as it looked like he was looking for something on me. Once I settled, he slipped his hand up the baggy shirt I was wearing. "The hell?!" I yelled. Obviously I didn't like where he was going with this, so I struggled some more. And once again it didn't phase him. He held me perfectly still as he pushed his hands upward. I clamped my lips together, trying not to scream from how scared I was. What the hell was he doing!?

"I really don't think you need these." He said playfully, unzipping my jeans and sliding his fingers into my pants, hooking the hem and began to tug them off.

"N-No! Stop!" I yelled, hating that I stuttered. At this point, I felt completely helpless. This guys strength was no match for mine. I couldn't fight back if I tried!

He only chuckled and continued what he was doing, pulling the pants lower and lower, soon stripping me of them. Sitting up a bit, a dark smile plastered on his face as he viewed me without my pants.

After his moment of taking it all in, his dark eyes flickered to mine. "Nice underwear." that husky voice full of sinful lust.

Uncontrollable heat burned my cheeks as I looked down to see my black lace underwear. For suck's sake! My gaze flickered back to him as I furiously pulled the hem of my shirt lower. He laughed and got off of me, walking off with my pants in hand.

I quickly shot up, continuing to hold down the hem of the shirt. "Wait! Where are you going with my pants!?"

Without pausing in his steps, he glanced back, "Didn't you hear me? You don't need them. Beside I'll give them back tomorrow morning. Promise." Ripping his gaze from me, he turned and walked up the stairs.

This guy is a Major pain in my ass! I groaned out loud in agonizing frustration, then looked down at my pants-less self, frowning. Well at least the shirt was big enough to cover my whole body. Releasing a tired sigh, I brought my gaze back up and scanned the room, looking for a clock. Finally finding one on the wall, I squinted my eyes a bit to see it read 1:03 a.m. Going to bed is probably my best option right now. Might as well get this night over with. Completely drowsy, I curled up on the leather couch and soon fell asleep.

A/N: Yo guys! Hope you liked the story! Please give feedback. Tell me if I should keep going on this story, please. I really like comments!


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