Chapter 3 hurting soul

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Today is gonna be a good day I'm gonna tell Yukki Alberta how I feel and see if he will go on date with me "but then suddenly"Yukki is with a nother girl so Lunar eclipse when home early,YUKKI:where's Lunar eclipse she probably over slept or something I'll go check on her after school,LUNAR ECLIPSE:he didn't like me he used me why am I even a live if I always get used "knock knock",YUKKI:hey you there are you okay why weren't you at school "hears no answer so he walks in door is open",LUNAR ECLIPSE:says who is it and who are you,YUKKI:Its Yukki I was wondering why weren't you at school "he walks in while Lunar eclipse was changing,LUNAR ECLIPSE:if you take a picture it will last longer,YUKKI:sor sor sorry turns around and is blushing",LUNAR ECLIPSE:I'm done and why are you here anyway what are you here to use me haha I already got that message,YUKKI:what are you talking about lunar eclipse "holds her on the bed",LUNAR ECLIPSE:let go of me Yukki your hurting me and I saw you walking with another girl when I was gonna ask you on a date so I went home,YUKKI:silly that was my sister Luna she was asking me what her boyfriend would like for his anniversary and you wanna go on a date ok I'll go "hugs her and pats her head",LUNAR ECLIPSE:I'm sorry Yukki and you would like to,YUKKI:Yeah sure plus I like you.

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