Meet the Author

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Scene setting: we join the author as she sits at her dark wood desk in her softly colored room having just found out from Chuck in a vision that she is a prophet and being caught up on all of the prophet's past. she is seated picks up her black ball point pen and Red Notepad and begins to write down things she felt compelled to talk about some of which had not happened yet she put the pen to the paper and it was almost as if her pen took over and it wasn't even her writing anymore but the pen itself telling the story that her past self (the one that didn't know she was a prophet the one that sat quietly in school and was almost never outgoing) would have been too afraid to tell........

Hello everyone now most of you might have skipped this section thinking it was stupid and continued on but this section was made for you to meet the next prophet: hello my name is Katie..... Katie Bryson and I know Chuck said that he was going to stop the books about the Winchester's lives but this, this book is different. This book is coming to you as a result of a new apocalypse that is coming because of the birth of a child, a child who's father is Lucifer a fallen angel locked away in hell, a father who is waiting in the wings for his unborn son to come and save him. The story does not end there not by far you see the Winchesters and the newly deemed Novaks have someone among them someone who has a secret and that secret will in turn save us all. Though the Winchesters have no idea that there is a new prophet among them. Someone who is writing a new book to the series. I can't tell them what I'm doing because if I did then the book would never be written and who would tell the story of our salvation. I've said too much about that, though you do need to understand the importance of this book and all who are involved the Winchesters, the Novaks, Satan and his spon. This book is the 25th book of the supernatural series and though it seems unnecessary now you have no idea what's to come.... on another note let me tell you who I am, I am a girl of the age of 17, I know, I know young for a prophet right? Wrong. who else remembers Kevin? Yup, I know Kevin, poor kid may he Rest In Peace, though Chuck only knows why the two of us got caught up in this mess but I assume we are here to tell the stories of other's whose lives are far more interesting then ours. For Kevin and for many of the other prophets this task cost them their lives...... though it is our duty and I never hated writing as much as I did math, or science so I guess it's not a bad gig. Kinda wish I could have met Kevin, or Chuck but I guess only a select few get to see God that select few being the Winchesters and their angel. Anyway I've gotten off track so I'm 17, I have short blonde hair and blue eyes and I'm not a wonderful student in school but then again who is other than the Brainiacs but I guess that was never me.... which brings me back to the question I've been asking myself a lot the past few hours I have known that I was a prophet of the lord. Why would God choose me for this job? I guess I'll never know... one thing I do know is that if I make it through this job alive I am going to become a hunter, go meet the Winchesters that is if they don't find me first (and hate me for this book I've written) and hopefully be able to hunt with them and be of some use until that job inevitably kills me. Anyway this story is not about me it's about Castiel, Rose, Sam, and Dean. So without further ado let us start book 25 of Supernatural.........

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2017 ⏰

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