The Story of Violet Cooper

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My name is Violet Cooper..... and this is my story....It all started when Russia and South Korea declared war on the country. They saw us as a threat ever since the former president and co-president, mr. Trudeau and mr. Trump decided to combine the two countries........                                                                         I was on the battlefield, determined to avenge my two great leaders, with my best friend, John Griffin. We had been friends since we were in Kindergarten.... we were more then friends. We were family.... i loved him, he loved me.... we were side-by-side, fighting as one, watching our enemies fall down beneath us. We were winning the battle but when i looked beside me, i saw my love falling to his knees.... that's when I noticed the blood oozing from a shot in his chest. I pulled him to our hide out.... i did everything i could... but it was too late.... he died in my my arms that night.... now whenever i go to the cross, to remember how we loved each other, how when i opened his bag a few weeks later i found a ring in a little red box...  and most importantly, how World War III stole everything from me....

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