Episode 24

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After finished eating , you went to school. As you entered the school everyone was looking at you and their phone. You are so annoyed so you go to your class. You walk to your seats but suddenly you fell over . Someone push you. You heard someone clearing their throat. It's was Mina.

Mina :
Well well well... Looks who's here. Isn't it the Lost princess that protect by 7 prince.

She look at you and laugh. You didn't say anything and just stand up. You clean your hand with your school uniform. You give Mina a death glare.

What do you want B***h.

She look at you and smirked.

Mina :
Owhh... It's easy. I just want you to stay out from Jimin. Or else....

" Or else what? "

Mina :
Or else I send this pic to Park Jimin.

She showed you a pic of you sleeping with Taehyung. It was in the bus.

" So this is what Jimin talking about..Childish.. "
* thinking *

Without saying anything you walk up to the roof. You saw many people was there.

Boy 1 :
Look!!! They a really fighting !

Girls 1 :

You were confused when you heard Jimin's name.

" Jimin?? "

You ran to see what is happening.

" They are fighting!? "
"Oh gosh this so childish!!!! "

You can feel that you are already burning inside. You didn't think twice and just walk into the fight.

Yah!!!!! Park Jimin!!! What do you think your doing!

You slap him. Everyone gasp after they saw what you did. You didn't believe too. You were freezing and didn't know what to do. Suddenly , Jimin lean closer to you.

Jimin :
I was protecting you....

Everyone take out their phone and started to record the sence. You saw Mina and Nayeon was there smirking at you.

" I knew it !"

You didn't say anything and walk to Mina. You take out your phone and saw a video to her. It was video of her pranking the teacher. You  smiled evily.

Mina :
You didn't dare right!?

She shout at you.

Of course I dare! *give her a death glare * If you said something non real or nonsense again, I swear to god that I would hunt you down for the rest of my life even if I'm dead.

You left as you finished your word.

" WOW I feel great! "

You walk to your classroom and the teacher come in. Taehyung knock the door. He walk to you but you didn't even look at him.

Time skipped and it's time to go home

You packed your things and started to walk out but V grab your hand. You look at him annoyed.

What do you want?

V :
Thank you.... For today ?

I was not helping you.

You walk out as he released your hand.

Taehyung :
She is so cool....

You saw Jimin was there  waiting for you. You took your jacket out and put on the hoodie to cover your face. You took out your earphone and listen to music. You walk out from the school.

When you were walking , you feel someone is following you so you walk faster but the guy keep following you. You turn around and it was Suga.

What does you want!? Are you stalking me or something ?

Suga :
No I wasn't. I was on the way to Jimin ' s house too.


You started to walk away. But Suga run beside you and walk with you.

Suga :
Where's Jimin? Aren't you supposed to follow him?

I slap him this morning. I don't dare to see him.

Ahh.... So you afraid of him?

" No "  give him a glare.

Suga :
Okay... I heard about the Nayeon thingy from Jin. Is it real?

You suddenly so focus on him.

Yes !

Suga :
I'll help you. I'm a hacker. I already have some information from Nayeon dad 's company.

Really!? Incredible!

He look at you and laugh. " Thanks?"

You both reach home but Jimin wasn't there yet . You told Suga to go inside with you. You put down your bag near the sofa and get some drink for Suga.

Here.. * you hand it to him *

" Thank you. "

Tell me the stories.

Suga :
Okay.. I'll have some information with me now. *he took a documents out *
So... I'll check the investment from Nayeon dad ' s company. It's seem he is not the one who make the money for the company , it was your dad. After your dad passed away for 1 year, he took the company. The company seem to be broke because of million dollars of payments.

Can you check who is it for?

Suga :
Okay... * hacking * . I think he send it to an unknown bank account. It's kinda confusing because the payment is not for the company but for someone else.

" So that's how the company broke ."

Suga :
And also, they make a lot of phone call from someone these day.

" Can you check for me? "

He nod and started to hack.

After few minutes, Jimin was back home. You and Suga quickly hide the information in the bag. He saw both of you and pouted.

Jimin :
Yahh!! Where are you from ? * look at Suga * How come your here?

Suga :
Hehe... The thing is...

I told him to walk with me.

Suga was shocked to here that.

Jimin :
Is it true? *look at his hyung *

Suga :
The thing is.... Oh.. Sorry my mom called me ! *took out his phone *
Oh.. Omma? * carry his bag and computer * okay.. I'm coming.

" He so weird... His phone doesn't even ring... So stupid's idea... "

Both of you look at him as he walk out. Jimin then come near you.

" You!... "

       -" Come to my room . Now !"

- to be continued

Thank you for reading and voting. Sorry  cause I changed the cover.

【상남자 Boy In Luv】 Completed Where stories live. Discover now