The Dissociation of Tides

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Chapter one


"Never again" I told myself after splurging my body with alcohol and cigarettes. My world turns upside down and I am here stuck behind my car wheels. I can still feel the beat from my favorite restaurant and bar music, its calling me to comeback in the dance floor, but I am so drunk right now. Ever since the day I started partying and going clubbing I have been addicted. There is something in the air or smoke that makes me go Gaga. The happy crowd, the loud music and the fountain of drinks its all toxic and its my poisoned paradise.
It has always been my dilemma on how to go home when I am super drunk, that I mean is always. Fortunate that my mind is still functioning as I am still aware of the dangers of drunk driving. Its either I get caught by the police for drunk driving or what's worst is killing myself on a bloody car accident. It is 5 in the morning and all I have to do is wait till the sun comes up and make the sun shine melt away my drunkenness. My eyes slowly closes, I am so sleepy. I jerked of waking from a quick sleep, heart pounding as the first thought that comes to my mind is are the window's open. To my horror, all the windows are shut and I am sweating as I forgot to turn on the air conditioner and Windows open. I was sleeping for almost 15 minutes. I did not die because of drunk driving but died in suffocation. All of a sudden I was alive. I wiped my sweat from my forehead as the pain pierced to my brain. I thank God for waking me up and keeping me alive. The sun will be up soon and I feel that I can drive smoothly. I started my car engine and turned on the music louder to wake me up. I was about to start to drive when an Angel appeared in front pointing angrily to me, screaming but I don't understand what he says. He continued nagging till he enters my car and seated at the passengers seat and that's when I hear him screaming nasty words. Shit! Fucker! Moron! Stupid name it. My older brother nags this early. Such a sweet angel.
"Why are you here?" I asked.
"You called me, you mother Fucker!" he replied angrily but can sense that he is worried.
"I did?" I never recalled calling him.
"And how would I know that you are here? And you want to drive in the wasted condition!"
I really don't recall calling him, damn I must have been really drunk.
"So what are you doing here?"
"Your driver, you stupid! Get off that seat" he ordered and I am thankful for God as he always answers my prayers.
As he started driving, nagging and though my head is spinning, I began to fall asleep again, as I really don't care of what he says, all I need is sleep. He punched my left shoulder waking me up, the sun is already up, it burns my eyes as I go out from my car. Walking like a zombie entering our kitchen from the garage.
"I'm leaving your car unlocked" he yelled, I ignored him, I walked straight to drink tons of water and the next thing I knew is that waking up from my bed with a terrible headache. I hate the icky feeling of waking up without taking a bath, my body is sticky. Its Saturday in the afternoon I wouldn't get up if its not only for my client to visit my newly opened printing shirts business. I removed my party clothes that still smells like smoke and went straight to shower. The warm bath somehow eases the tension in my head and my ever reliable Baileys and Harding lilac aroma therapy shower body wash. I dried my body with my white towel, wrapped around my waist and headed to brush my teeth. My body needed food. I went down to go to the dining when I saw my brother sleeping on the brown lazy chair, looks like he was exhausted as he left the television running. I switched the TV off then headed to get what is available in the fridge. Great, Apples,  bananas and juices with rubbish things on the sides. Great. Just when I needed food. I grabbed the Banana to eat as I hate apples then reminded myself to go grocery later after client meeting. My Brother snores and I didn't want to bother his sleep. I rushed to put on my black shirt, black skinny jeans and white sneakers  and yes, my car was left unlocked. He really wanted me to lose this car, my brother sometimes is annoying but I know he is just caring. I wanted to smash my brother's black Tucson SUV or leave it open also outside. He really did meant what he said earlier, that bastard. I love my Sta. FE so much I could not live without it and the fact that its my sweat and blood just to buy this Hella of a car. I arrived at my new boutique and it feels awesome seeing it. I never thought and imagine that I will be managing and owning the two of the 3 stores that me and my brother build up. As I enter the store my staff initiatively greet me with smiles and good afternoon. It has been two weeks since we opened but I still worry if do we still need  to improve or lack of something, I just don't know what. Today was rather quiet but there are customers buying, I approached my young female supervisor at the cashier.
"Are those 3 customer is being served?" looking at the men's section to our right.
"Yes boss"
"By who?"
"John and me" I didn't noticed that my supervisor is wrapping four shirts individually bought by the customer.
"Okay good, how about man power?"
"No worries, we have this. Two in the morning and two in the afternoon as instructed by you"
"Very good"
"Anything ill be in the office" I left and greeted the customers on the way to enter our small storeroom cum office. I situated at my small desk and as I try to think of what to do in front of my Mac laptop, I realized that the store room is a bit of a mess. Shelves of my stocks are in place but some of the boxes, plastic bags and shirts  are all over my desk. I hate disorganized things. Yes, my thoughts are disorganized too but one thing for sure id like my things to be in order. How ironic. My clients will be arriving soon and if they see that my store room is a mess it might turn them off. My supervisor came in with a surprise on her face.
"You know I hate these" I pointed at the mess on my table, pointy lips and one eye brow up.
"I'm sorry, that's is what I am here to arrange it back. Customer is a bit demanding" she explained.
"Never mind, ill tidy things up. Focus on customers"
After cleaning the tiny store room, which four to six people can only fit. I proceed to have a look on my presentation later. I know my way around here and I know by heart on what do my business is all about. Its just I am not confident on presenting and doing sales. I feel the pressure grow as this is my first presentation for this store and I don't want to disappoint anyone. The thought of having this branch run by young staff made my anxiety even worst. I took a deep breath to calm and stay focus. After thirty minutes I went outside the floor to wait for my clients and I'm  happy to see that customers are buying our products. My staff were giving their best customer service, maybe because they know I am here. Nevertheless, they are doing a great job. A couple arrived, Filipinos that looks like Japanese. the wife looks fierce with all that pearly white skin, red lipstick and smoky eyes finish. Her dress is a lacy maxi black, that black Medium Celine bag and chelsea brown boots, I don't know what the heck is she wearing. May we can go out later, ill be her personal shopper and stylist. The husband looks very simple, white shirt, shorts that he bought from Ralph Lauren because of that blue, red and white thing I know because I have that same design and brown sliders. I approached them with all smiles as they are the client I am expecting. They responded my good afternoon with the same words. Suddenly I felt ease as the aura seems to be okay.
"Welcome to Recitee"
"Nice shop, and busy" Mr. Han said.
"Thank you, we try to cater to customer who needs help in our store. We focus on customer service and customer satisfaction.
"Very good"
"Let me show you around"
As we tour around the boutique, more and more customers come to check what we sell and buys our products. Our staff was all busy but was all the time enthusiasts. Thank God I hired the right staff. While touring and that Question and answer portion a couple came to our shop was so happy with the service we rendered and purchased shirts. I thought it was just that but a group of three, two boys one girl came linger around our store for a while and then purchased tons of shirts and it happened right before the eyes of my future clients and then shoppers came to browse and some buys our products. Glad to see that my clients noticed the demands on our items and they seemed to be impressed. I recalled the group of three were vocally praising how good is the quality of our shirts and how beautiful the designs are. All the presentations of the services and products we offer, the wife whom I think is the torn among the rose agreed to get our service. Don't judge a book by its cover as the husband seems to be the one who had lots of questions and objectives that I perfectly overcome. Maybe he is the one paying. I was so happy that I treated my staff pizza and drinks for Dinner. In a few weeks I had this store and now I have my first client in which we will be constantly printing shirts for their secondary school.

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