01. Violet, Purple, Brown - Same Shit.

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Alrighty! Here goes nothing...


I know who you are, princess.

It didn't take even a nanosecond for Aiden to lunge at Brian after the words left his lips. She stood there, wordlessly watching the boys thrashing each other like mashed potatoes, while her mind was rushing to the world of questions.

It wasn't possible for Brian to find out the truth about her, unless it was either herself or Aiden spilling it out. But for all she knew, Aiden would rather chop up his head than sell her out. Betrayal was not a term in his pocket.

She had never before talked to Brian, or seen him talk to someone, for that matter. Being one of the populars, Brian had fully given up the task of talking to general people. He wasn't the boy who'd have different girls hanging from his arm every week, but he wasn't the one to have steady relationships either.

Brian was the kind of person Violet would always steer clear of. She was okay on her own, with Aiden by her side. She didn't need to get herself into the trouble only glancing at Brian would bring.

It wasn't her judging a person by only his cover, but just a hunch.

Her thoughts left her as soon as the sound of Aiden being thrown on the ground reached her. Brian stood up, a smug smile sparkling on his devilishly handsome face. "My apologies, princess. Didn't want to cause the trouble."

She raised an eyebrow. "Yes. I saw how hard you were trying."

Brian smirked, looking back at Aiden, who was getting up on his feet.

"Back for more?"

Aiden cursed under his breathe. Sure, he was just eighteen and the youngest member of the Security Force, but he was the only one who had taken down every soldier of the cohort. And being beaten down by Brian in only twenty seconds was sure to be a gargantuan blow to his ego.

"You," Aiden shoved himself between her and Brian, causing her to stumble back by the sudden movement, "stay away from her."

"Chill, dude." Brian raised his hands up in mock surrender, clearly enjoying Aiden's bruised state. "You get to keep your girlfriend to yourself."

"I'm not his girlfriend!"

"She's not my girlfriend!"

And that's when the cliché moment swooped in. Followed by Brian's eye-roll.

As the stretched glare-contest between Aiden and Brian seemed to be filling the room up in testosterone - she didn't know swimming , so drowning in hormones would be really abhorrent - she decided to speak up.

"What is it that you want, Brian?"

The reply came instantly, without missing a beat. "Do something for me."

Aiden intruded again. "You don't order her."

She had never seen this pissed off, dark side of Aiden before, as it was never needed. He was always the guy who played with the kids at the park, fed the ducks at the pond when she forced him to accompany her, paying for the ice-cream when she was fully - that can be guaranteed - capable of doing it herself. The smile that he wore constantly on his face seemed to be long forgotten by him.

Even though Aiden's face was clouded under a murderous look, she couldn't help but find it pretty. There was this exotic vibe to it, which she decided to adore.

Seconds later, she realized that maybe then wasn't the exact time to be drooling at his face.

She cleared her throat. Then looked at Brian, keeping her face void of any emotions. "Why would I ever do that?"

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