Chapter 3

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Mckenzie's P.O.V.

They're getting closer and closer. My stomach has butterflies actually forget that it feels like a whole fliping zoo. My mind is going crazy and my heart is beating a million miles per second. Before I even realise they are standing in front of out table. Everyone has gone back to what they were doing now.

"Hey babe" Eyad says to tazzy pulling her into a hug.

"Hey" Tazzy says way too cheerfully.

"Umm.. hey bappi... okay so I really need help with this project thing and your like smart aint you? can help me please....?" Blake says to my lilo in an awkward voice as if he was embarrassed. Adam was just saying stuff like get in there boy to blake making blake and bappi go red.

"Sure lets go to the library its quieter" Bappi says cheerfully.

I look over and Tasnim and Eyad are full on snogging and I think im about to throw up on adam.... oh shit adam. I look up at him as hes taller than me.

"Wanna go for a walk since everyones loved up and shit" Adam says joking around. I smile and just nod. We walk outside and Tazzy just smiles at me and makes me go red I dont think Adam saw thankfully I kill her later I have more important things too worry about.

"I dont think we've been properly introduced so hey im Adam" He says acting the complete opposite of what I thought he would.

"I know... I mean im Mckenzie but you can call me Kenzie if you want." Did I seriously just let him call me Kenzie I never let people do that? Adam just chuckles and looks at me.

"I've seen you round school alot and your one of them girls who well just gets on with shit aint ya. Me and some mates are going out after school you should come along with bappi and tasnim is it?" I just nod as he actually got their names right. "So what do you say you coming or what?" He says nudging me a bit.

"Yeah sure why not" I say not wanting to upset him or anything. "Can I ask you something Adam?"

"Sure fire away, any question you want" He says being really cheerful. Are boys normally like this? Well I guess I like it.

"Why do you act so different when your not with your mates? I say embarrassed about what he's going to say.

"Well.." The bell rings to go to class. We tell each other where we are, we're in two different sides of the building :(. We just say bye and go in different directions. I have my next lesson with bappi and tasnim. I reach class just in time and take my seat in between tasnim and bappi.

"So bappi how was ur little date with blake?" I ask she just slaps my arm. "And you tazzy how did Eyad's mouth taste?" She slaps me really hard but I burst out laughing anyway, everyone's looking at me but I actually cant stop laughing. Mr Harris walks in and I go silent, he's one scary man.

Lunch after two very very long lessons

Tasnim's P.O.V.

Oh my god I could kill Kenzie right now 'how did eyads mouth taste' shes so childish its unbelievable. But you got to love her because well she's Kenzie you just got to. But to be honest his mouth did taste pretty good.... I'm sorry to say that but its so true. His mouth is so sweet and taste amazing. Hes so caring. I love him so much. Okay how enough of my amazing boyfriend and onto my work. I'm not that smart but I do want to do well in school and I do try hard but some subjects are just really hard.

"Tasnim can you tell me what x equalls if x+y=15 and y is 7?" Mr Harris says snapping me out of me thought.

"Umm no I cant.." I say embarrassed.

"And do you know why you cant tell me?" He says.

"Because I wasnt paying attention" I say knowing what hes going to say because well lets say I get in trouble quite a bit.

"Yes thats right now pay attention." He smaps at me

"Yes sir" I say just wanting him to stop talking. I look round the room to see if anyone is actually doing work, they're not no suprise though. This lesson seems to drag on. But the bell finally goes and I go to next lesson im not with any of the girls so I just walk to my next lesson. The lesson goes quick and the bell goes to lunch.

I go downstairs and head to our table. Everyone's in a circle crowding round people probably just a fight. I just check who it is and whats going on Eyad and Adam!?!?! I shove past everyone and stand inbetween them but a bit further back so I dnt get hit. Kenzies standing opposite looking like shes going to cry. They're throwing punches at each other. I nod at Kenzie and we both grab one of the boys, you might think they'd be stronger but no us girls are strong. I grab Eyad and drag him to the side Kenzie does the same with Adam.

"What the fuck was that about?!" I practically scream at him.

"I said something about Kenzie and he lost it, I wasnt gonna just take it was I?" He says back holding him jaw. His lip and nose are bleeding and he has a red mark around his eyes. I take him to medical and get him sorted out. He has to write a statement so I go find Kenzie. I find her and she explains Adams writing a statement and I tell her eyad is too. I look at her and notice her lips been busted open!

"Kenzie what the hell hapened to your lip!?" I say sounding worried.

"Shit didn't even realise it was bleeding, Adam throw his elbow back and hit it he didnt mean to and he was sorrt and everything so yeah" She says so casually.

"Lets go sort it out"

"Okay" She starts to walk to the toliets and I just follow her. She gets a tissue and tries to clean it up, it fails miserably I grab the tissue and do it for her sometimes I actually think shes a kid still. She laughs as she knows what im thinking.

Bappi finds us and freaks out about everything we explain everything and go and find the boys. Will boys ever learn fighting is just stupid?

A/N: I'm gonna try and update most days. I hope you guys are enjoying it so far. It will get more interesting I promise. xxxx ik tris and bappi weren't in this chapter much bit the next one is gonna be mainly them xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2014 ⏰

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