chapter 3

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Chapter 3

POV Twei'kah

The scent that filed out of the mess hall was putrid, confusion mixed with a hint of fear plagued my strongest sense as I gave a regarded glance to Miik~ka. The ocean colored female with her darker, lengthy blue dreads tied back into a loose ponytail didn't seemed at all bothered by the odor. Her sense of smell wasn't as keen as mine so the scent wouldn't have been detectable like it was with me. The soft green of her eyes looked over to me , a look of concern in her gaze that I had grown to adore about the female.

'You okay?' Miik~ka signed curiously.

'I fine.' Answering back simply I continued on. 'Yautja upset, whatever wrong...must be bad.' I attempted signed english for the convenience of my friend, both her and my son signed in the same manner. I preferred the signing structure of YSL which was much simpler in my opinion but they found it less demanding to interpret in the signed english.

'Nay'tric doesn't mess around with these things, he wouldn't call a meeting unless it was serious.'

Giving a short nod in agreement we shuffled past others to make our way into the mess hall. It wasn't really cram packed but everyone was clustering together as close as they could, as if that in itself would make the aging leader reveal the news any quicker. Scanning the area with an uptight manner my eyes fidgeted about in an attempt to watch as the others chattered amongst themselves, I took a crack at what they might have been saying but the quickness of their mandibles made it nearly impossible for me to piece together this silent puzzle.

Irritation set in as my own mandibles flared open a moment before clutching back into place, tusk grinding against one another in a rather rough manner. A hand touched my shoulder and I surged backwards, knocking into others, growling lowly in warning before seeing it was only Miik~ka. The female peeped towards the ones whom I collided with and she held up a hand apologetically, hand still lightly draped on my shoulder she guided me closer to the table in which Nay'tric was poised upon. The aging seal brown leader was dotted with greying marks and spikes along his face, despite his age he kept his stance proud and erect as he looked out amongst the crowd,as if he was searching for someone. Not sporting his red cape that displayed his status and he was dressed like many of us with a simple loincloth and a shoulder guard crafted from leather strapped across his left arm.

I noticed the leader's eyes focus in on someone back against the wall. Following his gaze I spotted the male in which he had been waiting for. Across the way, leaning up against the wall was the little half breeds sire with whom my son ran around with. Segt'in I believed was his name, the male was a good fifteen seasons over me and from what I understood was a close friend of Nay'tric.

The elite took note of my lingering stare and narrowed his gaze, upper right mandibles ticking in annoyance. Flaring my mandibles to readjust them more comfortable I turned back to face Nay'tric who had called the meeting to order. Miik~ka took her place just beside the leader so that I could properly watch.

Miik~ka grabbed my attention before she began. "I know everyone here is wondering why I called them out tonight." She paused when the male paused , fingers hovering weightlessly in the air as she waited for him to resume. "There has been some conflict with Sepherius's clan, it's nothing too serious but until the unrest has settled down some we will put our trade with them on hold."

I felt the surge of energy in the room jump to panicked. The western clan was like a sister clan to ours, they were our number one allies when things happened and needed help. To simply cut off trade with them was idiotic and as I peered around the room I could see the outrage amongst the clan members. Surely a simple conflict wasn't the only reason why we weren't taking action to help, if another clan had attacked them then we should be along their side to help settle matters.

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