Visiting The Twins

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"Let's go", I said to Liam getting up from the sofa and heading to the door grabbing my bag from the hooks by the door on the way.

We were greeted by an excited but tired looking Louis as we entered Amy and Louis new house, we had only been here once before a few months ago when they had there moving in party as they decided to buy a family home instead of they're apartment when they discovered Amy was pregnant.

We also had converted mine and Liams home from a more younger adult/late teen party house to a more child friendly and family home. Liam being the maturest in the band had also been the first one to buy a house as all the other boys had all brought apartments before we had met them. Liam brought the house a few months before we met him, in London, and was were the boys spent most of their time because to be fair it is a massive 5 bedroom detached house with an outer building containing a small swimming pool and a garden homing a 5 a side basic football pitch and lawn alongside a patio parallel to the kithen with glass patio doors and metallic black kitchen surfaces. I guess as Liam had a house they could all use, they didn't need to all own one until they started getting relationships and needing privacy.

"Hey", a tired looking Amy greeted us as we walked into the living room, in the corner were two cots one pink and one blue with 'its a boy' and 'its a girl' teddies in. Alarna was asleep in her's but Joey was in Amy's arms and his huge blue eyes watched us as we walked into the room. Liam held two big bags filled to the brim with gifts, one with Alarna's name and one with Joey's name. Liam had decided to get a pink onsie for Alarna with a picture of Louis with a super man costume on saying daddy's little princess and Joey a little baby blue onsie saying mummy's little prince with a picture of Amy at a film premiere of some sort. Along with these we had brought a couple of soft toy animals and baby toys for each of them.

"Aww, thanks", Amy said taking the gifts from us and placing them in the ever growing pile of gift bags. They're were gifts from numerous celebritys and friends.

"oh my god, I love it!", Louis pulled the onsie from the pink bag.

"Can we put it on her when she wakes up please", Louis pleaded to Amy showing her as she laughed.

"Yeah sure", she said pulling out Joey's one, "we can put Joeys on him now".

"Sure, I'll do it", he said enthusiastically taking Joey from Amy and placing him on the soft rug thing on the floor. They were now a couple of weeks old and although they were growing fast they were still tiny.

As Louis handed Joey back to Amy now with his new little onsie on, we heard the door bell go off and Louis ran into the hallway too see who it was.

"Holly and Josh are coming round today, they haven't seen the twins yet because they have been on holiday", Amy said cradling Joey in her arms.

Suddenly Alarna started crying but before I could get up Liam was already over there picking her from her cot and soothing her.

"He's gonna make a great dad to Jamie", Amy whispered nudging me as we both watched him as he started making funny faces at Alarna which surprisingly stopped her from crying.

"Hey", Harry's voice came from the hall as Bella walked in.

"they will probably be a while they're talking about a new X-Box game or something.

"Oh, did Harry get it, can I have it please?", Liam pleaded pouting at me.

"I never said you couldn't", I said sticking my tounge out at him. It's not like I disliked the X-Box anyway, I was normally on it as much as him especially now I'm on maternity leave and get bored easily with bit much to do considering I'm pregnant.

"Yay", he said happily and passed Alarna to a happy looking Bella and walked into the hallway to talk to the boys.

"They're 25 now and they still act like teenage boys most the time", Bella laughed as she sat down beside us on the sofa holding Alarna.

"I guess they had their teenage years cut short", I said shrugging, "After The X-Factor they didn't exactly have time to play computer games but now the band is settling down a bit they have more time on their hands, they're not going on tour for like one and a half years because of the kids and all they have now is a few interviews and writing a couple more songs maybe an album, they can relive their teenage years, but apart from the lack of money because they have plenty of that".

"Suppose, we just have to let them get on with it", Amy said as they walked back into the room.

"Ooh, we brought presents", Bella said excitedly looking at Harry.

"I'll get them shall I", he said sarcastically getting up and walking back out the room.

"Harry's finally been tamed, well done it couldn't have been easy", Liam high-fived Bella as we all laughed.

As he came back in holding two boxes , he was followed by Niall and Stella who were both holding giant, and by giant I mean like half of them teddies with ribbons rapped round them with each of the twins names.

"Yay, more presents", Louis said happily as Stella passed him Alarna's teddy bear and Niall placed Joeys next to the blue cot.

I took Joey from Amy as Harry handed her the two boxes he had brought in. She unwrapped them slowly to reveal two small wooden boxes with the twins names delicately carved into them. Each box had 4 draws on them. One draw had 'My first tooth' painted on it, the second said, 'my first lock', at closer inspection the third was a little picture frame captioned 'in mummy's tummy' which was already filled by a picture of their scan. The fourth draw said 'my booties' and as Amy opened Alarna's there were a tiny pair of pink booties.

"Thankyou it's adorable", Amy leaned in hugging Bella carefully as she was holding Joey.

"And thanks for the onsies", she said getting up and hugging me softly to not hurt Alarna who I was holding then thanking Stella for the teddies. Louis was also thanking the boys and it just turned into a massive hugging fest where everyone seemed to end up swapping seats.

"you okay?", I felt Liams arm wrap around me as I peered down at Alarna.

"We're gonna have our own little boy soon", I smiled up at him; it was probably the hormones but I felt a tear roll down my cheek and I felt really emotional.

Stella was know holding Alarna and Liam wrapped his arms around me and I leant my head against his chest as another tear rolled down my cheek.

"I love you", he whispered into my ear.

"I love you too", I whispered back as he pulled me closer to him.

We were now all warped into different conversations and I was listening to Liams with Niall, I was occasionally saying something but mostly just listening. Originally, Niall had come over to see if I was okay but then after finding out it was just hormones because of the pregnancy, him and Liam had started talking about Jamie. Niall was just really excited he was going to be an uncle for the second time.

"Theo's going to have a cousin", he said happily in his little Niall world as usual. He seemed to always be happy and in his own little world, he has had little down moments especially when something bad happened between him and Stella, which were never big and very rare, but he always seems happy even more so now since his engagement.

Suddenly I felt the sudden need to go to the toilet and I had to get up quickly and go.

"Oh god", I said quietly to myself realising that my water had just broke.

As I opened the door, Liam was standing outside looking worried.

"Are you okay?", he asked.

"Yeah, I think my water just broke though", I managed to say before I felt a contraction.

"Shit, that hurts", I said crouching, the intense pain overwhelmed me slightly as Liam rushed to me.

"Niall?, someone?, help, call an ambulance", he shouted.

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