Answers... Finally...

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You shoot up in your bed with a sharp gasp.   It was morning.   It was morning!  Jumping out of your bed,  you grab your hairbrush, and sweep your hair to the side and take the brush through the H/C locks.   After touching your hair until it looked presentable,  you brush your teeth and throw on a new outfit.   It was a basic red T-shirt with light blue jeans.   Nothing special,  but comfy.   You put on a simple necklace and walk out the door with one goal in mind.   Get answers from Zero!

Zero's POV:

Morning...  Y/N is going to interrogate me with all the energy she has...  Ugh.   It's only 8:00.   Well,  the sun is up so I have to be up.   BAM!  "WHAT?! " My violet eyes lost their sleepy haze and dasrted around the room until they rested on Y/N.   Of course.   I thought I'd be able to get a breakfast in first.   "H-hey Y/N.   I know that you have a lot of questions but can I eat first? " She smiled sweetly and grabbed a small notebook from her back pocket.   "Oh Zero,  of course not!" Her smiule grew tense as her eyes turned colder.   "Ahhhh um... He he." Then she jumped on me.   "Hey...  Y/N.   I know that you're eager and everything but,  look at our position? " I gestured towards her,  hovering over my body at a weird angle.   She blushed and jumped off.   "S-Sorry Zero! " Yes!  Her guard was down!  I quickly dashed for the white bedroom door so I could make my great escape from her heavy questions.   Grabbing the brass doorknob,  I twisted it to the right.   "N-no... " It's...  Locked....

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