The Orphan

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Chapter 1



My mother brought me to my bed, pulled the fluffy purple covers over my head, and kissed me good night. She walked out if the room and stomped down stairs. I was tired 5 minutes ago but now I was wide awake. All I could hear was my parents yelling at each other.

"I don't care if you're 'busy!' You have to be here to support her!"

"What's more important to you money or our daughter!?" My father yelled

"Our daughter, Jenna, who you should care about! She is your daughter too!" My mother cried

"We'll then why should I care about her if she always acts so worthless?"

My mother would stomp up the stairs and slam the bedroom door behind her. Later that night, my dad would sneak out of the house and go where ever he went. This happened a lot so I could pretty much guess that it would happen again.

I was used to this yelling and the sneaking out. They always would fight with each other and my father would always leave the house. It was normal to me. I was used I having my name being brought up in the fights. Yet this time, the words my father had said, stuck in my head. My mind wandered after he said that. Was I really worthless? I was only 6 so how could I have messed up already?! What did I ever do to him? The next thing I knew my mom ran upstairs and slammed the bedroom door.

(Present time) |


"Get to bed! You all have a fun filled day ahead of you tomorrow!" Mrs. Smith said. We all knew when mrs. Smith said "fun" it was never fun. She threw the blankets over our heads and and walked out slamming the door behind her. All we could hear from down stairs was her watching comedy tv and laughing her butt off. More than she should have. Which me being the oldest of the 25 girls in the small room, I knew she drunk. She drank alcohol every night before she went to bed. I only knew this because my father used to drink. He drank a lot! Once you heard the sound of the glass braking from the bottles and the doors slamming, you knew you should shut your eyes and go to bed.

The orphanage was a cruel place. We would wake up at 8:00 am to clean the mess from the night before and repair anything that Mrs. Smith had broken the night before. Mrs. Smith always horrible to us. Except when there was someone looking at the children in the orphanage. She then acted like we were her grandchildren.

(Flashback) |


I woke up the next morning to a slamming door. I was never a heavy sleeper so I always woke up to these daily morning slams. I would then wait for my father to go up the stairs and into the guest bedroom to get some sleep as if he had never been gone. I am the kind of person who once they're awake, it's nearly impossible to fall back asleep. I grab my video player and watch my all time favorite movie, "Cinderella." I plugged in my head phones an sat and watched the movie till my mom would come in to wake me up. She came in and asked me, "Why are you awake?" I always lied because to be honest, I was scared of my dad! The way he yelled at my mom made me fear even being around him.

"I woke up to the clock." I said

I have a clock in my room that rings at 7:00. My mother always believed me. She would bring me downstairs and attempt to cook me something nice such as eggs, waffles, pancakes, or Crapes. I never ate it. If I ate breakfast, it made my stomach feel sick. So I never did. The weird thing was that I could only eat after about 10:00 I the morning. We never a really knew why. My mom would just let me take a bite or two and then she would put it away.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2014 ⏰

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