The winners of the contest!!!!

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Arrowbrine: We're back with the winners of the contest we started awhile back!

Steve: Ok so we have all the names from the papers that were turned in and we wrote them down on little rectangular pieces of paper and put them in a jar! *holds up jar filled with paper*

Herobrine: So we will pull out names and tell you what they are!

Slendy: Herobrine and I will teleport the people that are called out here!

Arrowbrine: So here we go! *pulls out a name*

Herobrine: *Pulls out another name*

Slendy: *Pulls out a paper*

Steve: *Pulls out a- Oh forget it! you already know what he pulls out! a paper*



Slendy: HOLLY!

Steve: My paper is blank :(

Herobrine: AND..... CRYSTAL!!!! Wait who's Crystal? Who are these people?

Arrowbrine: No time for questions!

Steve: *Whispers* I hope I didn't get any people!

Arrowbrine: *shoves paper at Herobrine*

Herobrine: What's all this?

Arrowbrine: Your daters and adventures!


Steve: Guess we're just lucky! :)

Herobrine: Grrrrr! What the heck!? most of them are daters!

Steve: Oh well ;)

Herobrine: Ummmm Steve, why is there a paper with your name on it and says to date Herobrine?

Steve: O///O No reason... But if it's there then how about it?

Herobrine: .... Are you ok? Your sweating a lot and blushing

Steve: I'm f-fine O///O

Herobrine: Ok then...?

Slendy: Here are all the people for you!

Crystal: Hi!

Renegade: Sup!

Shadow lightning: :3

Holly: ^-^ <3

Steve: O///O Why am I here? ... Oh well! :)

Herobrine: (Sigh) Ok... Renegade you want to go on a date with me. Holly you want to go on an adventure. Shadow lightning wants to go on a date. Steve somehow wants to go on a date. And Crystal your paper doesn't say anything about a date or adventure

Crystal: Can I do both?

Herobrine: Yeah sure... Why not?

Renegade: Oh me first! me first! I want to go on a date first! *Grabs Herobrine's shirt*

Shadow lightning: No me! * Grabs Herobrine's right arm*

Holly: I think it's fair if I go first for the adventure! *Grabs Herobrine's left arm*

Crystal: I want to go on a adventure/date with him! *Grabs Herobrine's shirt*

Steve: He's my brother so I think I should go on the date first!!! *Hugs Herobrine*

Herobrine: O///O !!! You now I can split into other Herobrines *Splits into two Herobrines*

Renegade: I want this one * starts hugging the second Herobrine*

Herobrine: *Splits into other Herobrines*

Holly: This one's mine!

Steve: I've got this one

Shadow lightning: Mine! ^-^

Crystal: What about me?

Herobrine: You can have me... The real Herobrine!

Crystal: Yay!

All the Herobrines: Ok so what would you like to do first?

Crystal: ... Date?

Herobrine: Sure! plus you look very... lovely today! <3

Crystal: Why did you say lovely?

Herobrine: Because your paper said you don't believe that your beautiful

Crystal: Oh... well let's go! :)

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