Killer Frost

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Lily's POV:
'I work with Julian in the medical at CCPD but I'm sometimes called on crime scenes with my twin brother Barry. But, he doesn't know I'm his sister.'
"Hey Lily. We need you." Joe said.
"Ok. See you later Julian." I said.
"Bye." Julian said. I walked with Joe.
"So, what's the crime this time captain?" I asked.
"Murder. You will be working with Barry on this scene." Joe said.
"I'm working with Barry. Cool. Um, Joe. I know his secret." I whispered the last part.
"What! You know he's the Flash?" Joe asked in a whisper.
"Yes. I was there when the explosion happened. I was in it. I'm a sppedster too." I whispered. "Probably faster then Barry, Jessie or Wally."
"You know about them too?" Joe asked.
"Yes. I was kidnapped by Savitar a few years ago. You know that little girl that was always with him? That was me. He would never let me leave his side or else I would escape." I said. "I know who he is and so does Barry. He's the future Flash. He's future Barry."
"That's how he knows everything. He lived it!" Joe said.
"Exactly." I said.
"Um. Joe, why are you talking to Lily?" Barry asked.
"She was just telling me who Savitar is." Joe said.
"How do you know who Savitar is?" Barry asked.
"He kidnapped me 6 years ago." I said.
"Oh. So you must know about me, Wally and Jessie." Barry said.
"Yeah. But I won't tell. Because your family." I mumbled the last part.
"What was that?" Barry asked.
"Nothing Barry. Um, you know how you thought your sister was dead and how when she was born she had a lightning scar on her forehead?" I asked Barry.
"Yeah why?" Barry asked. I took my hat off to show my scar.
"I'm your twin sister Barry." I said.
"No way!" Barry said. "I thought you were dead!"
"I'm not Barry. I've just been living in an orphanage my whole life. I got to old for it last year so that's why I got a job here. Because I knew you worked here." I said. I hugged Barry.
"So, we've found Lily Allen. Fascinating. But, we have a meta problem." Joe said looking at his phone.
"Your right." Barry said.
"Can I help? I'm a speedster too." I asked.
"Sure. Let's see what my sister can do." Barry said. I smirked.
"Ok. So, the meta was last seen on Paseo Grande and Meekland." Joe said.
"Ok." Barry said.
"Got it." I said.
"Who's the girl?" Cisco asked.
"My twin sister." Barry said.
"Oh. That makes sense." HR said.
"Wait, where's Kaitlyn?" Barry asked.
"She's the meta." Cisco said.
"Oh come on." Barry said.
"Come on Bar, Wally. Speed up." I said.
"Why are you so fast?" Wally asked.
"I was closet to the explosion." I explained.
"That makes sense." Wally said.
"Kaitlyn. Don't do this." Barry said.
"That's Kaitlyn?" Julian asked.
"Stay calm. We will keep you safe." I said.
"Kaityln. Stop." Barry said.
"Lily?" Julian asked.
"I'm sorry." Kaitlyn said.
"It's okay Kaitlyn." Barry said.
"Wait. Kaitlyn, Barry and Lily." Julian said.
"Uh oh." I said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2017 ⏰

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