Chapter 1

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 I want to tell you a story Ethan of how it all started. Why i did what i did. why i left this world so soon. Ethan i love you and i know that you love me but even you couldn't save me. I was broken. this needed to happen. I never thought in a million years i would be the one to do this but i did and now im sorry for leaving you. You want to know why? Let me start from the beginning.........

1 Year Earlier

"Alex what are you thinking about?" my best friend Elena asked me as i was packing up my locker so ready to leave school. I've known Elena since Grade school. She was always there for me through everything but i slowly felt our friendship drifting as we entered our second year of high school. 

"Nothing" i lie as i flipped my long brown curly hair and she looked me deep into my hazel eyes because she knew i was lying. i was never good at lying to anyone. i was thinking of my life and how i could make it better. i lived in New jersey my whole life but due to my parents always moving from house to house i kept switching school. Im 17 and i feel so overwhelmed with everything. my thoughts are interrupted by people screaming and laughing loudly. 

"I wonder whats going on over there" Elena says moving her attention towards the crowd. and i am a bit curious as well. 

"Lets find out." 

We push our way through the crowed school hallway and we see what all the commotion was about. of course it was because of them. Ethan and Grayson Dolan. for some reason everyone envied them and for the life of me i couldn't figure out why. they were just normal teenagers who did stupid shit on the internet. Don't get me wrong they were hella attractive but i just didn't understand why everyone was so obsessed over these two 17 year old boys. They were just once again doing stupid shit and recording it.

"Party at our house tonight. Who's coming" Grayson says as he turns towards the crowd of people and they began to scream and cheer. 

Ethan cuts in and say "Only the sexiest people are going to be there. so if you wanna get laid you better come."

I began to walk off because all the screaming was obnoxious and i was beginning to get a headache. 

"So are you going?" 

"Elena you know im not the party type. They aren't really my scene." i say grabbing my back pack and throwing it over my shoulder and leaving out of the school doors with Elena beside me. 

"Come on Lex. its the first day of the summer and what better way to spend it than getting drunk and possibly laid by the sexiest guys in the school. it at their house so anythings possible." Shes pleading through her blue eyes as she twirls her blond hair between her skinny fingers. 

I make my way to my black range rover and open the door. "Lena ill think about it" i say as we both get in. 

The drive to my house was quiet. i only live about 5 minutes about from my school. 

"Mind if i come in and wait for my mom to come get me?"

"Yes sure. you know you are always invited in Elena. why do you always ask?" i say chuckling a little. 

As soon as i enter my home i hear screaming. 

"All you do is work Benjamin" i hear my mom yell from the top of her lungs

"Rachel for the last time i am not cheating on you! i wish that you would stop accusing me of this bullshit." That's my dad. all they do is argue all the damn time. if they were so miserable why don't they just call it quits and leave each other alone? i let out a sigh and Elena follows me up to my room. 

"Hey Lex are you okay?" she ask as she flops down on my bed and i sit next to her. 

"Im fine." i say quickly wiping my eyes. 

"So What are you going to where to this party?"

"im not even sure if im going."

Elena was about to say something but she is cut off by her phone ringing. Saved by the bell because she was about to tear my head off about this damn party. 

"Im coming out now mom. That's my mom i got to go. call me later to let me know if you make up your mind about the party. Love you babe." She gives me a kiss of my forehead.

"Love you too bitch" she throws me a glare and leave out slightly slamming my door. 

My parents are still arguing. i toss myself on my big bed and began to drift off. i don't know how i am able to sleep through my parents arguing but some how i always do. i am almost asleep but i am interrupted by my phone buzzing. i groan and pick it up to see who text me. 

Ethan~ Hey is this Alex? this is Ethan. 

I read the message and my face is filled with confusion. What the fuck how did he get my number? 

Me~ Uhmm Hey yeah this is Alex. How did you get my number? 

Ethan~ Grayson gave it to me. is that a problem?

i forgot in my freshman year Grayson and i where study partners. 

Me~ No it not a problem im just confused as to why you texted me. What do you want?

Ethan~ Eager arent we? i was wondering if you were coming to my party tonight and if you needed a ride. 

Why the hell was he asking me this and why is he offering me a ride?

Me~ im not sure yet if im going and if i was i would drive myself. thank you for the offer though. 

i toss my phone to the other side of the bed not expecting Ethan to text me back. but obvioulsy i was wrong because my phone goes off again. 

Ethan~ I really hope to see you there tonight. i have to talk to you about something but it can only be discussed in person. 

Me~ Ill think about it. 

with that he just leaves my message on seen and i immediately grab my phone and call Elena.

"What time are we leaving for this party?"

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