No 2

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You might ask what is the point of this? Well for you to understand it, we have to go 23 days back, to the day that it all began.

It was a regular Friday, I decided to go to Shawn's party (and btw Shawn is the most normal of all those popular ones) I had just been to a meeting, when I showed up at Shawns. "Don't you need a little something something" Peter, one of Shawns friends said, when he carefully showed me a bag, of god knows what. "Oh yes I definitely need a little something something" I responded sarcastic, little did I know, that it would be the start of some unfortunate incident. I was feeling kind of claustrophobic, so I decided to go outside (the second mistake of that night) "Hey" it was Shawns voice at my ear. I immediately screamed (because who wouldn't) when I heard his voice. "Do not creep up on me like that" I said, when I playfully punched him on the arm. "You know, you look really beautiful tonight" he said. "Oh thank you!" I said, when my mind was exploding, like you can't just go around and say those thing, without making me freak out (and yes I am socially awkward so I am fraking out, when I get compliments) "Should we go for a walk?" he friendly asked and I was like "sure why not". Well this was the third mistake of that night.

Do you want to know, what these mistakes are leading to? Then keep reading No. 3 is coming soon!

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2017 ⏰

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