"Good morning class 606! Im your social studies teacher. But in the morning I'm your morning meeting teacher. I'm mrs. Kilpatrick. And this is mrs. Rave." Mrs. Kilpatrick said
"Hello i am mrs Rave. Im your morning meeting and science teacher." Mrs R said.
I had Dora hair so I was a stupid looking girl.The next period was ELA. It was a Thursday. So I don't remember what he did.
The next period was P.A. Which of of course was GYM. We did the boring stuff. We watch a freaking video instead of doing gym. We had gym with 701. I'm on 606. So every Thursday I'm with 701.
The next period was science. We had assigned awata already. What the hell. I sat at table 1. With Michael, Ronald and some other kid.
We learned about something but I don't remember.
Next period we had lunch. Eat eat blah blah
Next period was ELA same old
After was math then social studies then math.