Part 1

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     The pale ghost of dawn had just begun to peer through the gauzy white curtains of her bedroom as Akari Zoldyck returned from her latest mission. Her barefoot feet padded softly into the room she shared with her husband, the utter silence of her footsteps a testament to the famous Matsuyama stealth that years of training had perfected in her. No one in her family wore shoes while on the job, believing that being barefoot provided for the ultimate secrecy and agility. Akari glanced toward the king-sized bed and could not help but smile at the sight of her husband splayed across the entire mattress, his face peaceful and his long, ebony hair framing him in a murky halo. Somehow, his face always seemed softer in sleep, as if all of the tightness and control layered onto it during the day had fallen away and left a sweet, tired creature in its place.

     Not wanting to wake him or attempt to reclaim her half of the bed, the female assassin headed to the bathroom, eager to wash the blood from her lethal locks of hair. Two more people had met their demise early that morning and their blood now caked her lengthy silver tresses. The only trace of her own blood seeped from a small cut on her right cheek, although she had not even noticed its existence until she stood in front of the expansive bathroom mirror. The Zoldyck woman unceremoniously peeled away her silky garments, cursing the fact that she had once again managed to destroy a gorgeous, costly and handmade outfit. Somehow, Illumi always managed to come away from his missions without so much as a missing button. Oh well, at least she was efficient and skilled at her work.

     Sighing in contentment, the young woman opened the expansive glass door to the shower and stepped in, turning on the hot water and feeling it wash away the evidence of her most recent kills. As a trained assassin, Akari was not disgusted by blood, but she much preferred being clean, especially when it came to her own blood. As she watched the red liquid leek from her silver tresses and cycle down the drain, she remembered that she would be facing her monthly cycle any time now. At least, it was supposed to be monthly, but her period had never been regular and it had not reared its ugly head for several months now...

     Just as she was considering this fact, Akari heard the gentle opening and closing of the bathroom door and peered through the steamy glass of the massive, tiled shower to see the outline of Illumi Zoldyck, her husband. He wordlessly stripped off his silky green nightclothes and opened the door to the shower, stepping inside to join his wife. Akari smiled up at him, happy to see the familiar pitch black pools of his eyes blinking sleepily down at her, yet disappointed as always, somehow, to see the peace of slumber leave him. He stepped into the stream of water and she felt his long, muscular arms wrap warmly around her waist. His elegant black hair was soaked by the stream of water hitting them and hung around Akari like a thick, protective curtain. In their six months together, they had never shared a shower before and now the young woman wondered why. The feeling of her head tucked under his and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat to her ear was bliss.

     A large, yet graceful hand dipped below her chin and brought her face upward to meet his. His striking features gazed down at her with a look that she, as someone who knew Illumi well, could interpret as pure love. The male assassin's soft lips met Akari's and she sighed into the kiss. His skin, ordinarily slightly cool, was now warmed by the flow of the shower. As the kiss deepened, Illumi began to rock his hips against Akari, his cock beginning to harden against her stomach. Akari whimpered, rubbing her body against his in anticipation. On impulse, she broke the kiss and tenderly began to plant kisses down Illumi's pale, muscular chest, brushing her lips against each brutal scar which traced across the ivory skin. Illumi shivered in pleasure, his toes curling against the tile as Akari's lips drew closer and closer to his cock. His manhood was now swelled to its full impressive size and stood out from his body, pulsing with need and anticipation. His fists clenched and un-clenched and his breath came in pants as the young woman's lips lightly brushed the leaking tip of his member. Akari's hand began to lovingly stroke the shaft, pulling the skin downward to fully reveal the sensitive pink head peaking from underneath. Illumi's breath hitched in his throat as the other assassin began to suck deeply and persistently. His hips bucked forward to meet her lips and his hands splayed against the glass walls of the shower in an effort not to keel over onto the slippery floor out of sheer bliss.

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