Our Destiny

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Logans P.O.V

i woke up to something slimmy and wet in between my toes. Eww! Monsters at it again! Monsters my 100 pound beast called a dog. I've never had the need for an alarm clock, Monster's always ben mine.

Throwing the comferter off of me I got up for my first day of school. Yes that's right I'm starting a new school. The only good thing about this is that it's the start of the school year, so everyone else starts today too. 

After hopping out of the shower I quickly brushed me teeth, but I left my hair styled in a messy kind of way. Looking through my closet I found the perfect thing to wear. A gray V-neck shirt that shows off my muscles perfectly, fadded jeans, my gray Vans, plus my gray Bennie. Now the girls will be fawning over me. I'm not your everyday player, I let down girls down easy. I don't believe in break up through text or call, I prefer to do it face to face. 

"Logan hurry up! You're going to be late if you don't hurry to eat breakfast!"

"Alright mom! I'm on my way down!"

My mom always belives in family breakfast, so no matter what I'm stuck with my family all through breakfast. When I got down stairs my mom had already set up the table, so I was stuck by my idiotic older brother Jack. Jack was supposed to go to collage this year, but he decided to take a year off of school. So I get to spend the whole year with my loving brother! (Note the sarcasm) 

"Sup little bro!"

"Hey." I grumble.

"You look like you're super exited about starting school today."

"Yeah. It's always been my life's dream to start a new school on my senior year."

"Sucks to suck don't it?"

I decided not to answer him, instead I looked down at my plate. Yum! Mom made hashbrowns, eggs, bacon, and pancackes! Plus freshly squeezed orange juice. My mouth was watering! I dug right in, not caring if I looked like a pig. I looked up to see my mom scolding me.

"What?" Ok so it may not have sounded like that, because I may or may not have had my mouth full of food.

"First use your table manners! Second don't talk wth your mouth full. Third... um..."

"Can't think of a third thing can you?"

"You young man better watch it. Now get going or you'll be late."

"K! Oh mom I'll be late tonight I'm going to stay for football practice. So I'll be home around 6 or 7."

"Ok! Wait don't forget your lunch!"

"Got it mom. Thanks!" I kissed my mom on the cheek and left.

Ten minutes later I was pulling into the school parking lot. Macking a B-line to the office I got my schedule and locker nuber and combination. After throwing my bag and extra books in my locker I look over my schedule. Not to bad.

1st period- Calculus

2nd period- AP World History

3rd period- Band

4th period- AP Spanish lll

5th period- Athletics

A Lunch- Freshman and Sophmores

B Lunch- Juniors and Seniors

6th period- AP English ll

7th period- AP English ll

8th period- AP Chimestry

Great all the classes I wanted! Now off to first period I go. When I got there I handed my schedule to the teacher for him to sighn. I looked around the room and noticed that it was only me, the teacher, a goth, and one girl in the room. 

"You may take a seat next to Natalie."


Once I sat down next to the Natilie girl. I studied her. Her hair was black and wavy, her etes were a vibrant blue, she was wearing a gray sweatshirt, dark skinny jeans, and brown combat boots. I was interupted by the bell ringing. I guess I was so focussed on Natalie that I didnt relize that the room had filled up with other people. Oh well.

"Ok class, today we have a new student Logan. If you would come and introduce yourself."

"Sure." I got up and went to the front of the class. "Sup I'm Logan Freeman and I am from South Carilina. I play football as the quarter back, I'm usually top of my class, and I absolutly love food."

I saw a hand go up in the back, the teacher sighed and said, "Yes Chandler?"

"So are you THE Logan that was the star quarter back in Carilina, plus lead your team to natinals singal handedly?"

I spread my arms open and grined. "The one and only!"


My whole day consisted of people talking and talking about my football status. However the only thing that seemed to be on my mind when i was getting ready for football try outs was Natalie. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2014 ⏰

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