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Nothing new for this chapter. Warnings will start next time. Enjoy!


Obi-Wan and Jango dashed into the hangar. They had heard a ship take off, but none were scheduled to leave that day. Jango gasped as he saw Zyrias lying on the ground. He rushed over and scooped her up.

"Zyrias, are you okay?" He asked. Her eyes slowly opened and she winced.

"Ow..." She mumbled, rubbing the back of her head. Then her eyes widened. "Dad! We have to stop them!" She tried to wrestle out of his embrace but he held her tighter.

"Wait, Zyrias. Tell us what happened," he said. She was holding back tears.

"There was a man here. He was wearing a cloak. He... He took Raven, Dad," she whispered.

Tears began to slide down her cheeks and Jango's face went pale.

"She might not be mine biologically... but she is my daughter. We have to find her," he whispered.


Raven gasped, her eyes opening. Everything was sore. She tried to move but suddenly she couldn't. Something was stopping her from moving. A man walked over. His hand was outstretched. He was using the Force to hold her down. He smiled down at her.

"Hello, Raven. My name is Darth Tyranus. I am so glad I can finally learn more about you." He said, his voice unnaturally calm. He waved his hand and Raven fell asleep once more.


Zyrias was sitting in her room. The agony she felt was unmatchable. She had done her best to protect her sister from the truth, and she couldn't even do that. Zyrias was fairly certain that Raven had deduced that the Sith wanted her, not Zyrias. Raven wasn't stupid, Zyrias knew that much. But Zyrias wept, knowing that Raven would try to fight them. They would hurt her. Zyrias knew that they would do awful things to Raven if she resisted. Zyrias put her head in her hands. She just had to hope. There was a soft knock on the door. She sniffled.

"Come in," Zyrias whispered. Obi-Wan entered the door and wrapped Zyrias in a huge hug. He held her tightly.

"I'm so sorry. There was nothing you could have done, so please don't blame yourself. But you can try to rescue her. I can train you so you can go save her. She might need you soon, Zyrias, but for now, you have to believe that she can fight them herself. Raven has to be strong, and you and I know that she can do it. I promise I'll help you get her. Okay?" Obi-Wan said, his voice low.

Zyrias wiped her nose and nodded. "Okay."

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