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( Just a side note: I like writing stories, but i'm not very good. Constructive critcism would be very helpful, thanks! Also, it may be a bit hard to understand at first, but you'll find out whats going on through each chapter)


Chapter one - 24/09/13 ( 26 days to go )

' " First of all" he said, " if you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider thin..." '

SNAP! The ruler crunched down on my desk. It was a deafening crack that made everyone in the room turn around and snigger, as they did everyday. " Eliza. It seems we have a problem with you " Katie laughed.

No, let me just say that before i tell my story, my exceptional, completely mad story, it is not one to be taken lightly. It is not a simple story of girl gets bullied, because this is just the start and Katie..she's not important in any of this. What happened to me is...insane, mental, impossible,  it's my story of how i uncovered one of natures most inexplicable secrets.Trust no-one.

I looked up at her, quietly closing ' to kill a mockingbird '. " Yes Katie? Is there something you want?" I asked politely. " Yes Katie? Is there something you want?" She mocked in a high pitch tone that in no way resembled mine. Everyone in class laughed, it was only because she was pretty, if she wasn't then nobody would pay any attention to her, like me. As i began to open my book again, she slammed it down on my hand, hard. I didn't cry, crying made the situation ten times worse.

She pushed her face up close to mine, and spat " Your worthless, you know that? I think you should go die" I calmly looked up at her and said " You say im worthless, well i'm not the one who has to bully people to be liked and feels the need to spit on everyone's face when i'm talking to them" I knew that had crossed the line before i said it. Katie's hand raised, but before she could hit me the teacher walked back in and ushered her back off to her seat. Her eyes were flaring with rage as she took her seat, but i didn't care, she wasn't important. I continued silently reading to kill a mockingbird as i had been told, the only one in the class who was really concentrating on what we were supposed to be doing, Apart from that nerdy kid who i had to sit next to. Naturally, at the beginning of term all the popular kids had rushed in and got the best seats, and i was left sitting next to the loser who nobody likes.

I vaguely recognised her from math class, she was the one always volunteering answers, and helped me out a few times when i didn't know them. I hated maths you see, i hated every subject that wasn't English. English lessons were the only place i could feel at home, books were my heaven, where i could imagine that i was the character and not boring, thin, straw haired, dull eyed, 14 year old Eliza who nobody wanted to be friends with. But i didn't mind being lonely, it gave me time to think.

" Erm Hey" I nudged the nerdy girl sitting next to me " Could i borrow a pencil? I forgot mine". She smiled and turned around " You forgot it again? That's like the 3rd time this week and it's only Tuesday!" But she searched through her pencil case anyway. I looked over at her book, and saw ' Emily Hardgrove ' Written neatly on the inside cover. I liked her, even if she was a total nerd, she was nice to me and didn't seem to care when people made fun of her. Emily soon drew out a pencil and gave it to me, still smiling. " Thanks " I said shyly, then what happened next scarred me for life.

" That's okay!" Emily replied, in a very, very high pitch voice, so high that i turned back to see if she was alright. She was peacefully reading the book, so i assumed she was fine. " That's okay!" She repeated and i mumbled back " Yeah, i heard you thanks". " That's okay!" She squeaked again, and again...and then again. I turned around to see her face had turned bright red, and she was staring at me with a fixated smile, the sort a mental person would have before they murdered someone.

Everyone's eyes were locked on Emily, she looked savage, like she would spring at any moment. Still continuously muttering that it was okay under her breath. The friendly, nerdy kid i had known before was gone and was replaced with a psychopath. She lunged for me suddenly and i screamed out, like a lion that hadn't been fed for months. I felt a pair of hands on my shoulders ushering me out of my chair and against the wall, away from her. Everybody, even the teacher, were glued to the walls, not daring to leave the classroom because the freak girl was near the door. She rose from her chair and everyone screamed, some people were even crying. I, however, was just plain fascinated. She was scary as hell on earth, and i was petrified of her, but i was just so curious about what had happened to her. She just seemed mentally unstable, like she could kill anyone of us at any moment. Her face was slowly turning purple, just as the headteacher walked in. Mr. Mastof his name was, and he didn't seem scared of her at all, he just took her hand and walked out of the classroom, shouting " Don't worry, she's going to be fine, she just missed her medication. Go back to your seats". After all that, it was pretty normal, people got back on with their reading in silence, still shaking, but at least they were okay. When i got home that night all i could think of was Emily. Was she okay? Was she mentally affected? But the more pressing matter was what actually happened, one minute she was fine giving me a pencil, and the next she was a red faced looking psychopath. I drifted off into sleep, with my last thought being: That could have happened to anyone

End of chapter one

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