Chapter 5

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"Carter.... Carter get up! They found us!" Im awoken to the sound of Jeff whisper shouting that at me.

"Who found us?" I groan sitting up. I take a moment to look around. The walls were painted a pastel green and were ripping slightly at the corners. The room smelt of blood and rotting flesh. Strangely the smell didnt bother me. 

"The others!" Jeff whisper shouts back. 

"Theres more of you?" I questions pushing myself up and walking over to him. He nods and grabs my arm. Dragging me through this.... House i guess. I shrug my arm away from him and jog beside him. "So who exactly found us?" I continue asking.

"Eyeless Jack and Maskie." He whispers as we slow down to a walk. He puts his hand infront of my face signalling me to stop. I swat it away and roll my eyes as he creeps past a room. 

He waves me over. I move slowly careful to not make a sound. Peering around the door as I walk by I see two figures standing at the oppisite side of the room. Searching for something. For what exactly?

Me and Jeff.

I turn my head back just in time to see Jeff bolt around the corner. I take off after him. My footsteps thumping against the wooden floor.

"Wait a second! Listen!" I hear one of the voices call as I make it around the corner. I'm face to face with Jeff.

"Time to disapper" He whispers. I only smirk as I run down the long hallway. Making sure my footsteps were as loud as possible. Jeff beside me doing the same. We burst into a room and break the window. I hear two pairs of footsteps running down the hallway. "Jump on the wall." He whispers. My eyes widen. I hear the footsteps running down the hall. I slam the door shut and jump onto the wall. My eyes widen as I stick. I climb up and onto the roof. Hanging without a sound.

Moments laters the two figures from earlier burst into the room. My breathing slows as I watch them stare out the window.

"Damn It!" One of them growls. "This is your fault Jack!" So the one that was shouting was Maskie. 

"My fault?! This is yours!" Jack shouts back. I roll my eyes listening to them argue. I see Jeff standing in the corner motioning to his shoe. 

He wants me to kill one of them. I grab my knife from my boot and mouth 'Which one?' To Jeff. He points to the one with the blue mask. 


I nod. He counts us down.


'2' I take a deep breath.

'1' Pushing off the celing I land on the one with the blue mask. A groan of surprise escapes his lips. We fall to the ground. Me on his back. I lean down to whisper in his ear. 

"When you get to hell....." I start tracing up his back with my knife. "Tell them who sent you." I finish stabbing him only 5 times in the back. Stopping to think if we would need him. I drag him over to the corner where Jeff was and push him against the wall. Spotting some rope in the corner I jog over to it, grab it, and run back. I wrap the rope around his wrists then around his ankles.

I secure the knot and turn to Jeff. He has done the same thing but in the other corner. He turns to me and smiles. I smile back. We jump out of the window. He lands heavily beside me. I roll my eyes and we jog back into the woods.

Tonight we were safe. But only tonight.


HEYYYYYY Guys no one posted an edit for me ,-, *cry* So sad :( Anyway. 140 READS OMG YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!! :D :D :D THANKS SO MUCH MY LOVELY UNICORNS ~M

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2014 ⏰

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