Chapter 13

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Zoey's p.o.v

I've been hiding the cut on my neck from the others, but I think that Paul might know because he been giving me odd looks since that night.

"Oh, it's you," Leah said with a sneer opening the door to their house.

"What did I ever do to you? Besides what happened at Sam's, but in my defence you started it," I replied blocking her from leaving.

"It has nothing to do with you," I noticed her flinch when I said Sam.

"What's going on?".

"Again, nothing to do with you," She snarled shoving me aside.

"Is he- Is he cheating on her?," I blurted.

Leah stop and spun to face me, "What?," she asked slowly.

"Is Sam cheating on Emily?," I repeated quietly.

"What gave you that idea?".

"What did you expect me to think when he's always gone? He's out late most nights and sometimes comes home with less clothes. You're always over at the house and looking at him with that puppy dog look," I stepped closer to her, "Tell me the truth. Are you seeing Sam behind Emilys back".

"WHAT!?! NO!," She exclaimed.

"Then who is?".

"No one, Sam would never do that do Emily".

"Then why do I get the feeling that you're all hiding something very important from me," I said.

"I don't know what you're talking about," She said quickly.

"Whatever I wouldn't expect you to tell me," I started then leaned close and hissed, "But if it turns out that I was right about Sam cheating on Emily and you lied to me, you'll be sorry. I like Emily, she's excatly the type of person I need to be around after what happened to me. She's like a sister or something like that to me now and I would do anything to protect her. Remember that".

Without another word I walked into the house leaving a stunnned Leah behind me. I could hear music pouring down the stairs. I followed the sound until I stood outside a room which I presumed was Seths. I could hear his guitar clearly, he was playing 'Broken' by Seether then he started to sing.

I opened the door quietly and leaned against the doorway and listened to him. He was siting on his bed and his back was to me. He was really really good.

Why doesn't he sing for the band?, I wondered as he finished.

I started to clap and cheer. He turned and patted the bed. I skipped over and sat beside him.

"You're amazing Seth, why don't you sing for the band?," I gushed hugging him.

He patted by back and laughed, "Because I get stage fright".

"So what? I get that also but you'll be fine. Come on, sing with me?".

"I don't kn-".

"PLease, please, please, pleeeeeeeeeeasssssssse".

"Fine," he chuckled.

"Yay!," I hugged him again.

Sam's p.o.v

"She's late again," Quil complained just as Leah walked through the door.

"Where were you?," I asked.

"Talking to your neice," she replied with heat.

"What did you say to her?," Paul growled.

"Don't worry, I didn't threaten her, it was the other way round actually".

"What does that mean?," Jake asked sitting forward.

"She's knows something is up. She thinks your cheating on Emily, Sam," she said sitting down.

"What? How would she get that idea?," I asked shocked.

"Because you're as loud as a hippo when you're getting in at night," she snarked.

"Leah," Emily hissed spotting Zoey and Seth walking in the door.

"No fair, you're legs are to long," She mock growled, playfully pushing Seth.

"Not my fault you're so short," He grinned throwing an arm around her.

"Whatever," her smile faded when she noticed us all staring at her, "Umm...Sam could I borrow your car to go to Forks, please?," she asked awkardly.

"Why?," I asked.

"I going for an interview for a job," she replied.

"Uh..I don't-," I began but Emily interrupted me.

"Here you can take mine," she handed Zoey her car keys.

"Thanks," Zoey answered kissing Emily on the cheek. I noticed the look she gave Leah.

I need to have a talk with her...

Zoey's p.o.v

I glanced at my phone for the fifth time,sitting outside the local bar in Forks.

Hey Baby,

See you in two weeks...

Love you xxx

This is not good, I sighed leaning my head on the wheel.

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