Chapter Seven

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Milo was beyond content in the compartment full of Gryffindor companions as he remained with them for the rest of the train ride. Unfortunately, he couldn't muster up enough courage to try and meet with Harry once again. The girls and the twins talked him up, showered him with confidence to the point where Milo felt as though he could carry the world, but when it came time to actually get up and go, he felt like an ant attempting to carry the planet. He just had a feeling it was not going to end well. In all honesty, he was sure that if the roles had been switched then he probably would have been bitter to discover that his brother was living a nice life, while he was stuck with nasty muggles who treated them poorly. Despite Aunt Petunia being their mother's sister, Minerva had explained to Milo that the Dursleys did not appreciate magic in their household. There were problems that stemmed long before the boys were even born, but Harry would have to suffer the repercussions and Milo had never even met his aunt or his cousin. 

Although judging by his mother's words and the way she twisted her face when she spoke about them, he was glad that he didn't. But he couldn't imagine what Harry had gone through over the years and when they finally did talk to one another, Milo wasn't sure if he could bring himself to ask. Why would he want to know about how the Dursleys treated his brother when there was nothing he could do to change the situation? Many times he was younger, he begged his mother to take in Harry as well so that they could be together and be a happy family. As much as Minerva wanted to adopt Harry and offer him the same life and opportunities, she eventually had to explain to Milo that she couldn't. Harry had to live under different guidelines than Milo due to what had happened the night of Halloween. Albus Dumbledore had made the arrangements for the boys and they didn't get a say in it.

In one way, Milo was incredibly thankful that he was given a second opportunity to join in a wonderful family. He had multiple mothers figures throughout Hogsmeade, from his mother, Minerva to Rosmerta. He had Gwen, who served as an older sister for him to turn to when he didn't feel comfortable turning to Minerva or Rosemerta. He was even lucky to have men like Gregorovitch and Ollivander looking after him when they traveled to the village. That was his family outside of school, when he was at Hogwarts, his family extended even further. 

He had friends in all four houses and was welcoming to anyone else that wanted to have a friendship with him throughout the upcoming years in school, whether they were younger or older. 

For that moment, he was among friends, more importantly, friends that knew exactly how to comfort him. Angelina, Alicia, and Katie were often viewed as very tough females, mainly because they had strong personalities and were not afraid to speak their minds. But that's what Milo admired about them most. But when they needed to comfort a friend, the girls were able to switch gears and do whatever they had to in order to help. 

Milo certainly wasn't going to complain as he rested his head in Katie's lap and allowed her to pet his hair. He could hear her mumbling under his breath at how his hair was always such a mess, but it only brought a smile to his face. No matter how he messed with his hair, whether he was bored or anxious, it never gave him the same feeling as it occurred when someone else played with it. Katie's nails grazed his scalp softly bringing his entire body to relax. Angelina and Alicia distracted him by changing the conversation to a different topic.

Fred and George had shared in the conversation until Lee Jordan arrived to raise a little hell aboard the train. After a cheeky comment directed towards Angelina, Lee was dragged out of the compartment by Fred as George shot an apologetic look on behalf of his friend and closed the compartment door over. 

"I should probably ask you if you're comfortable sitting like this?" Milo asked, looking up at Katie as she peered down at him. "It was rude of me not to even think of it right away."

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