5. happy place

31 2 7
  • Dedicated to sharks

a place that makes me happy.

 is it really that hard to guess what a place that makes me happy is?

chapters, indigo, barnes & noble.

bam, bam, bam. best places in the world.

other than toys "r" us, though. stuffed animals are amazing. (heh. wtf . . .)

sometimes, I feel like sitting on the floor and reading at Indigo, but apparently, that's not allowed . . .

you now what makes Indigo better? there's a beard papa's right next door.

éclair cream puffs anyone?


if you're afraid of sharks, well, fridge you.

you know what a good thing to be afraid of is? vending machines. 

yup. I said it. vending machines.

the statistics: (people killed each year)

adorable, gentle, loving SHARKS: 5 people (from blood loss. sharks don't eat people.)

evil, carnivorous, scheming VENDING MACHINES: 13 fridging people.

sharks ftw.

so, uhm . . .

Well, I've got to get back to work. When I stop rowing, the slave ship just goes in circles.

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