Not so happy ending.

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Jesse was sitting on her bed crying from how much pain she was in. She didn't want to feel this way. She wanted to run and hide forever. Her parents were always yelling at her. She wanted to drop out of school. She wasn't the luckiest person. Every year she breaks at least something on her body from being bullied or falling. Jesse liked this one boy but was to shy to talk to him. His name was Ben. He was one of the most popular kids in school. She would never have a chance with him. She always thought. Jesse was 16 years old. She was emo, mute, and scene. She had only 1 friend who was deaf, Megan. Megan was always writing down stuff and signing. Which Is what she normally did. Jesse was texting Megan on how much she wanted to die. But Megan just told her don't worry. It'll only get better. The next day Jesse went to school and was laughed at like normal. Jesse was use to it, and just ignored it. A guy bumped into her. She glared at him and he apologized

" Sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm Kyoto you?" He asked her. She was surprised. Barely anyone talked to her. She hadn't spoke in a long time, she forgot how to. She tried speaking. But all that came out was a squeak.

" Oh are you the mute girl everyone told me about?" He asked smiling. She wrote down on her notebook ' Jesse is my name. And yes...' He read it. He looked at her.

" Well maybe we should be friends. You seem cool. " He grinned Some more at her. She blushed and wrote ' that might not be the best idea... You get bullied... And your the new kid ' she wrote down. He chuckled

" I'm use to it. I've always been the new kid. I live in a military family. I move all around. But I'll talk to you at lunch. See ya. " He said waving to her. She blushed. Was a decent person finally at their school other then Megan? She thought. She shook her head and hurried to class. Not wanting to be late. Later in the day, at lunch. Megan and Jesse were sitting at their normal table. When Kyoto comes up and sits with them. They give him a weird. Megan signs to Jesse ' what is he doing here? He really is sitting with us. I though you said he was joking. ' Jesse nodded and signed ' I though he was! ' They look back at him. He just sits there, awkwardly.

" So whatcha guys signing about? " He said. Not knowing Megan was deaf. Megan looked at him with a confused. She pointed to her ears and mouthed ' can't hear ' Kyoto soon caught on and wrote down ' what are you guys signing about if I can ask.' She writes down ' homework.' He nodded and took a bite of his sandwich. Jesse and Megan kept on signing about Kyoto. Every once in a while they would look at him. He was confused but just keep on eating. Some of the guys that Kyoto had met came and sat by him and the 2 girls. Megan and Jesse looked at each other amazed. They realized there were more decent people at their school. Jesse tried talking but squeaks just came out. One of the guys looked at her and tried helping. His name was Michael, Mike for short. He kept saying hi to help Jesse. And soon she said it. Kyoto smiled at Jesse proud of her. All the other guys were too. At the end of lunch the guys said goodbye to the girls, and the girls waved good-bye. Jesse and Megan walked back to class. That night Jesse got a text from an unknown number. She opened it and it said ' Hey it's me Kyoto. ' Jesse was surprised. How the heck did he get her number?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2014 ⏰

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