Fairy Tales

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There's no escape

Once you're under his cape

Bee closed her eyes as she rested her head on his shoulder, listening to the sound of his voice. It was his turn to read now and tonight he had chosen a Romanian fairy tale. He had told her it was one of his most favourite.

"And the tall man slid from the fire, and clenched Sorina in his burning embrace. And that was the end of her."

Bee wraps herself around Yoongi's arms and watches as he ended the story. To be very honest, Bee did not give a slight interest to the story at all and Yoongi had noticed her not paying attention to his story-telling and when he turns his head to the side, he finds her staring right back at him. A kitten like smile on her weary face.

"You weren't listening, were you?" He says as he closes the book and places it down in his lap.

"I'm sorry." Bee smiled up at him, shifting her chin on his shoulder to get a better view of his features. "It's you. You are distracting me." She says as she leans in closer to place a peck on his cheek. She giggles as she hears Yoongi let out a sigh. He couldn't help but surrender to the girl beside him and he let her cuddle with him for a while.

"I think it's time for dinner." Yoongi announced after a while kissing her on the temple and picking himself up from the floor. Bee was about to get up to follow after him but he stops her, sat her back down and kneeled down beside her.

"I'll do it this time." He whispers softly to her, "I want my beautiful princess to rest." He says as he lifts her chin up with his fingers and kisses her on the lips

"I'm not a kid anymore. Stop calling me Princess" Bee pouts and he lets out a soft chuckle. After he kisses her one last time on the forehead, she watches him walk out of the library.

Bee lets out a sigh. Did he really still think of her as a kid? Because she didn't like him calling her Princess anymore although the kisses and the cuddles and the way he said I Love you always made her feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Hugging the book they had just read against her chest, Bee decides to take a short nap before heading downstairs to check on Yoongi. She leans back against the bookshelf and her eyelids batted heavily as she slowly drifts into sleep.

Bee flutters her eyes open when she feels her body being gently shaken and soon realises the little girl had appeared once again in front of her. Her eyebrows furrowed and Bee could sense the hastiness from the look in the little girls' eyes. Before Bee could open her mouth, the little girl had raised a finger against her lips, a sign to hush her, only allowing Bee to talk in hushed whispers.

"You have to get out of here." She kneels down by Bee and looks up at her older self. The little girl grabbed hold of her arm and got up to her feet pulling Bee up along with her, so that they could escape.

Bee pulls back her arms, a little sorry at the way the girl was jerked back from her own strength. But she didn't want to follow the little girl to wherever they would escape to. She wanted to stay. She liked it here very much.

"But I don't want to leave here. Besides, there's no place I could go to anymore." Bee says as she sat back down on the wooden floor of the library. Little Bee's nostrils flared with anger. Biting her lip; impatient and afraid that Yoongi might somehow catch them both and do much worse things after that.

"What if I don't want to leave Yoongi?" Bee says, her eyes fixated on the girl and noticed that the girl had suddenly frozen with fear after hearing his name.

"D-Don't say his name." The girl responded, biting down on her quivering lower lip. "If I showed you something, will you promise me that you'll leave this place?" She asked after a short moment of thought. "Please?" the last word came out as a pleading whisper. Bee considered it but she was pretty sure that she was contented with this place and Yoongi's company; and she only agreed to it to appease to the little girl. Bee was confident that what this girl was about to show her wouldn't make her waver her decision. At least that was what she thought.

"You know how we always pinch ourselves in our dreams or nightmares to make sure whether it's reality or not? It's just like that but a little bit more painful." The little girl explained calmly, "That is the main key to your freedom". Bee blinks hard for few seconds. Yes, she did sometimes hear that pinching yourself to differentiate between a reality and a dream would work, but was that it? Just pinch yourself? What about it being a little bit more painful? What was that supposed to mean?

The little girl took tiny steps towards Bee and rounded her arms around Bee's neck. Her breath fanning the crook of her neck and Bee involuntarily wraps her own arms around the little girls' small waist. Slowly, Bee could feel her hold around the girl loosening as she started to merge into Bee's own body and at once, it was as if she had lost the ability to breathe and a bright light blinded her at the back of her mind.

When Bee opened her eyes and the bright light had dimmed into a dark room, she was instantly reminded of this familiar place. One of her dark memories that she had long gone forgotten. There she was, standing at the doorway to the kitchen and she watched the same thing happening all over again. Her mother stood in the centre of the kitchen holding a blood-stained knife and below her lying on the floor was her father; blood pooling beneath him.

"My baby, come to me." Her mother had said. The cold, emotionless voice sent chills down Bee's spine. Her worst nightmare was repeating itself and she once again, planned to run away from the horrific scene. Before she took a step back, something not far behind her mother was standing in the dark corner of the kitchen.

Bee swallowed hard when she realised what or who it was. Startled at a sudden tug at her sleeve, Bee looks down to see the little girl beside her again. It wasn't intended, but Bee started tearing up at the fear, the confusion and the betrayal.

"W-What did you do? What is all of this?" Bee chokes on her words. If this was the truth that the little girl was talking about, she most definitely hated it.

I am a part of your memories. I am the part he made you forget.


a/n: it's a very short chapter.

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