c h a p t e r t w o

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"Beware of monotony; it's the mother of all the deadly sins." — Edith Wharton


On Monday, Leo walked into the only conference room on the top floor of his building to find his friend and financial adviser, Liam, leaning back in a chair with his legs propped up on the table. Rather than tip his chair back like he wanted to do, he cheekily asked, "Don't you have, I don't know, a job do?"

Liam rolled his emerald green eyes and crossed his arms. "Yes; I do, in fact. It's babysitting grown men like you to make sure they don't run their companies into the ground."

The man sitting in front of him was probably the only person—supernatural or not—who could knock him out in seconds and make it look easy. Even though they looked to be the same age, Liam was at least a thousand years older than he was. He was the first Fallen, and as such, acted as a mentor for those who came after him.

His curly blonde hair and boyish grin made him seem sweet and friendly, but looks were deceiving. It was hilarious watching women flock around him constantly, swooning at his manners. Little did they know that underneath that friendly facade was an angel with a really bad temper and a killer right hook.

They were literally flirting with the Devil himself—Lucifer.

Leo could easily joke around with him, but most supernatural beings knew to stay out of his way—especially on his bad days. He had a surprising soft spot for kids—he would find a way to end Leo's immortal life if he told anyone—but he was a royal ass to everyone else.

He slid Liam's feet off the polished table unceremoniously and sat across from him. "So, to what do I owe the misfortune of your company today?"

Liam grinned, exposing inhuman looking canines. "Just checking in. Met with your new assistant this morning while you were off doing God-only-knows-what; I must say, she's a firecracker. I think I might... take her out for a spin, if you catch my drift."

"No way in Hell will I let you do that." He smirked, "Pun intended. Every other employee of mine is fair game, but I don't need to share the same office with one of your toys." He shuddered at the thought—he knew Liam got around, and despite the fact that Leo represented the enjoyment of bodily pleasures, he didn't want to hear about them all day when they involved his oldest friend.

Liam shrugged, standing from his seat and putting his hands in his pockets. "She's more your type, anyway. I'd kill her if she sassed me like that every single day."

He chuckled but knew that he was being literal with that statement.

"Anyway," the blonde said, "there's going to be a little get-together at my house this weekend. Bring that little hellion that you hired along—I have a feeling she'll be extra entertaining after a few cocktails."

Leo's phone chimed and he chuckled at the message.

Harley won't stop talking about you, it's getting uncomfortable. Please send help. Or earplugs.


His receptionist was more than a little obsessed with him, especially after he let her accompany him to one of Liam's parties. She was way too clingy.

Be there in a minute. If you're desperate, ask her about her new blog, she'll forget all about me.




He didn't know Liam was looking over his shoulder until he heard him chuckle, causing him to jump in surprise. "Christ! Have you heard of personal space?"

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